Live Rock and Fragging
A piece of rock that was on the island was removed over a month ago. It all came unexpected as I was doing my water change. I was cleaning the glass when my arm knocked the large coral on the island and the this caused a mini avalanche which could be rebuilt.
Therefore the coral and rock were removed. I had been thinking about trimming the coral for some time but never did.
The size of it was amazing
Fragging began, again this was unexpected. The end result was a bucket and half of frags (well large frags)
I am glad the coral was removed as it has opened up a lot more space for corals, fish and water movement. You can see some of the frags in my previous pictures.
I had been watching one of my corals for a while as the polyps were retracted or damaged. There appeared to be two hairy crabs in the coral so I gave them some time before I decided to remove them.
Munching away
The easiest way to remove a crab
Fish problem
My beloved Achilles tang start to get a bacterial infection on his face. It developed rather quickly over a few days and I was really worried. I decided to leave him in the tank as he was still swimming and eating well. Within a week he got better and is again fighting fit!! I got lucky
A poor picture showing him 3days into his problem. I posted in the fish disease section but no one could help.
Another LED unit
From my previous post it can be seen I bought another unit. This was because my tank was just too wide have one unit. The PAR itself was fine but the spread wasn't enough as some of you noticed in an earlier picture. I raised the light unit to increase the light spread but the PAR dropped off too much for my liking. The decision was then to get another unit.
I've done PAR tests and have posted the results. The tests were conducted at 100% White, 100% Blue and 100% Moon to see what the max this unit pumps out!!
Now of course I don't run all modes at 100% but it simply shows the output that is available.
An example
Front View Summary
The results were taken under the center of the unit at 4 different levels.
Side View Summary
Again the results were taken under the center of the units at 4 levels. You can see that once you move away from directly underneath the PAR drops but otherwise I am still happy with the results.