The Fifth Master
Manganese had the most positive effects but not much. My sudden cyano free and stuff all algae problems while the acros were coloring up better than i've ever seen and growing faster than i'm used to needs to be explained. Those two things are linked so i thought we could try to work out wth was going on as it might be something that could help all of us.
My skimmate rose from 250ml to 400ml after the first month.
My Mg draw has dropped in relation to alk and calcium.
I have plenty of detritus in the sump and overflow and don't use socks.
phos is 0.03
nitrates are 5
I'm doing way too little to explain the success i'm seeing in my opinion so something is most definitely up with the few things i'm using. Sounds weird but that's why i have spent weeks looking into the whole thing in an effort to explain it. :beer:
I think you should look into researching the effects of these metals on enzymes. The cyano likely became deficient of an essential metal (no waterchanges?) which was replaced by another metal (BJ potion) that had a toxic effect and vice versa for the antioxidants in the corals making them fluoresce
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