A Splash of Color

Andrew, this sounds eerily too familiar to me, I have had my share of fish issues in the past couple of years, and for the life of me never remember having such a hard time with fish. I think I have finally found some luck with fish, but hearing your story about the fish is just crazy, like reliving a nightmare... I know you are not big on dosing, but if the LFS has Fish V from AF, I would give it a go, my fish have been quite healthy since beginning this product, maybe worth a shot to boost their immunity a bit. Anyway, hope all is well down under mate, I sure do miss visiting your thread each morning with a cup of coffee, at least I don't have to clean the monitor as much, from laughter and spitting coffee about :) Cheers
+1 on perry regarding fish v mate.Really nice results with my fish too!
Glad to see you posting and i'll go through the previous posts to get the full update:beer:
I love your exchanges with your fish guy. Lol.

It's like a game of chess getting info out of Dave lol.......

The other piece i asked him to hold for me.


Any full shot video? Good work over this tank mate! :-)

Thanks mate, i am going to do a vid of the entire scape before i replace the sand so anyone interested can see exactly how i constructed the islands and then formed the reef scape with them. There is a lot of acrylic in the display that you haven't ever seen and more individual groupings of acros i can move around at will than realise - it's like a big box of acro lego tbh.........;)

That Dave, you have to love him!


He's the best Marty, i'll be in the warm shop in a few hours on a cold rainy winters day poking around in Dave's acro tank - awesomeness personified. I'm supposed to work today but i have sick fish so i took a day of leave to go to Deer Park and moan about it to Dave :thumbsup:

Andrew, this sounds eerily too familiar to me, I have had my share of fish issues in the past couple of years, and for the life of me never remember having such a hard time with fish. I think I have finally found some luck with fish, but hearing your story about the fish is just crazy, like reliving a nightmare... I know you are not big on dosing, but if the LFS has Fish V from AF, I would give it a go, my fish have been quite healthy since beginning this product, maybe worth a shot to boost their immunity a bit. Anyway, hope all is well down under mate, I sure do miss visiting your thread each morning with a cup of coffee, at least I don't have to clean the monitor as much, from laughter and spitting coffee about :) Cheers

Thanks Perry, i will definitely ask for the Fish V if Dave has it. I am hopeless with fish but i'm not taking the blame for the way they all went feral.......:hammer:
I saw the royal gramma lying in rock hole to sleep as i removed the rock he had a cool cave to live in months back. I went to the effort of putting a rock roof over his spot so he had a proper cavey den to call home.
If i put my arm within a foot of the stinking cave i made him he attacks me and bites my forearm hard enough to hurt.......... i am pretty traumatized by what the fish have and continue to put me through. Acros don't attack me - ever !

+1 on perry regarding fish v mate.Really nice results with my fish too!
Glad to see you posting and i'll go through the previous posts to get the full update:beer:

Thanks Mike, will grab the Fish V or abuse Dave for not having it :)

Can't wait for the reply on this one :frog:

I'd like a shopping trolley full of $100- delivered to my door but that aint gonna happen anytime soon Mike........ same goes for Matt's nerdy spreadsheet request........

One of Dom's pieces that is happy again, it's very cool looking fine spidery growth and purple tips make up for the green....... i took a little frag off this :) Dom's orange monti frag had a worm living on top so i terminated his residency with extreme prejudice.......

Got my list so i'm off............


Component 123? Keep in mind that with the amount of acros you have, you will blow right through the 3x5L bottles. I am currently using 230ml per day my 120 gallon tank. AF makes the DIY version. It is under AF label, KH Buffer, Calcium, Magnesium, and Reef Mineral Salt. Also, for trace, you would get Component Strong. All these products mirror the AF Component 123, just using your own RODI. I will likely buy the DIY line next time, I go through 3 bottles every 3 weeks :) Cheers Andrew!
you forgot acros!!!

I like that spathulata! get me one as well..
and one of the hot pink and yellow.

The one on the left is yours Matt, doesn't look anything special does it.


All the green and mauve pigments are metallic hued so it shimmers. I'm very excited to see how it colors up.

I give you - 'Canadian Craziness' Matt :)


Component 123? Keep in mind that with the amount of acros you have, you will blow right through the 3x5L bottles. I am currently using 230ml per day my 120 gallon tank. AF makes the DIY version. It is under AF label, KH Buffer, Calcium, Magnesium, and Reef Mineral Salt. Also, for trace, you would get Component Strong. All these products mirror the AF Component 123, just using your own RODI. I will likely buy the DIY line next time, I go through 3 bottles every 3 weeks :) Cheers Andrew!

Thanks Perry, like you i am just trying the ready to use but more expensive balling solutions to see if i think they make a difference for me. If they do (i think they will) i will go the same route you suggested. I also got the bucket of plain sea salt, 50ml bottle of AF Build (kalk) and a 15ml bottle of Micro E (heavy metals). I wanted the bacteria and the energy and vitality but those haven't been cleared for bloody import yet but should be soon apparently :hammer:


Dave will be letting me know in future when Christian makes a bloody fuss about a spath or any other bloody acro ! :debi:

I think they might go missing when I come to reclaim my acro scraps after your fragging of the nice ones :lolspin: ;) Good to hear things are reasonably on the mend and that you FINALLY GOT THAT BLOODY WRASSE!! Now whenever I come over ten minutes into looking the tank the puffs of sand won't go flying :wildone: haha
The glass is green within a couple of hours due to the silly amount of food i am feeding the sick fish - don't care. You can see in the pic what i mean about the colors being ok considering but there is hardly any 'pop' or shine on most things, all a bit 'off' and darkish looking if you know what i mean. The phos etc would be through the roof lol.

Notice the 1" thick acrylic bases on the small islands that will be hidden by the sand down the track. Once i get the new sump - Dave is just waiting on some stuff from the acrylic guy to finish it off, i can clear the entire display bottom and finally have just the acro colors and white sand. half the stuff on the bottom is mine so i can't blame Dom lol.


I feel the need to point out that the green stylo at the front is annoying the hell out of me Dom........... it's not an acro and it's electric green garbage. I whack it with a stick regularly so it doesn't grow and steal stuff from the acros..........

Hey, don't try and pull that! Even you were impressed with the colour of the stylo when I got it out of the box haha
Pop or no pop, still one of the best acro tanks going around! ;)
It's crazy i know but all i was doing was moving your pearl skin and a couple of bits........ well, they just fell off so i dunno what's up with that Dom. Anyway i glued them onto a rock rather than chuck 'em in the bin.
I'm worried about another couple of your sexy colored pieces too tbh Dom, they look like they're going to drop bits off too - i reckon your primo colored acros are all suffering brittle skeleton disease or something.........

Anyway don't stress about it mate - it's not like i don't have better things to do than go around picking up acro bits that keep dropping off your stuff. You know i am using MY glue up on these bloody droopy tip dropping pieces of yours right Dom ? :hammer:

It's good seeing some updates biggles, even if you've had some ups and downs with the tank. Fish can be so frustrating! Either way, everything looks really good and I love the FTS. If and when I ever set up another tank, I'll be using your low lying aquascape approach. Looks great and so much easier to access everything. There's places in my tank I just can't get to anymore.
You are the founding member of the CCC Flo. The cool couch club of SPS keeping :smokin:

My submission for membership :beer:
