Before i go to bed i meant to tell you about a certain red headed mate of mine who somehow scored the SPS partner of all time........
After catching up with Dom, Mark and Dave for 15 mins at the shop i was looking at the 12 or so 1"-1.5" cultured clams that all looked very pretty. At $250- a throw i will only ever look at the shop however.
Up walks Dom with a grin on his face and says
' Nice aren't they '
' Yeah but too pricey for me '
' Want to know which one i'm getting '
' Which one and how much '
' That one, it's $250- '
pointing to a gold mantled beauty.............
' #$#@@ $250 bucks for that little thing ! '
' Oh i'm not paying i have this '
Now this is where everything went weird and i started to think i was in some reef keeper twilight zone episode........ you are not going to believe this....:spin1:
Dom holds up this little slip of paper the size of a credit card with color print on it and i read something similar to:
This voucher entitles the bearer to one amazing clam and one beautiful wrasse at Deer Park Aquarium.
' What the bleep is that ?'
' Georgia gave it to me '
' Are you serious, Georgia gave you a gift voucher and she's paying. Does she know how much clams are ! '
I then yelled at Dave and Mark ' do you guys know about this bleeping voucher Dom has '
Laughing they both say yeah it's legit, we knew about it before Dom.
' Wanna see my flasher wrasse '
' what flasher wrasse '
' It's down the far end tank, you won't miss it ' - he grinned again and it was starting to annoy me now......
I walk down and here is this shimmering metallic rainbow fish fluttering away like a smart arse that knows it's pretty as hell.
I yelled out to Mark ' is he seriously getting this $%#$@ flasher wrasse for free too '
' YUP ' - and he's got the same annoying grin on his face too..........
I spent about 15-20 secs storming up and down the tank aisles ranting and swearing with good reason at how unfair it was that Dom had a voucher and i was never gonna get one. The three clowns all thought it was funny but i was right royally upset............:mad2::hammer:
I know the three of you waited to drop the voucher bomb on me so you'd all get a good laugh. You're all on my list....... all three of you......