A Splash of Color

Oh what those racks would look like in my tank..........

They're starving mate, plain and simple. Nothing wrong with your parameters but you MUST keep the alk stable - sort of does not cut it.

Keeping nutrient levels at low levels is not the main point and it's missed by a lot of guys. It is the volume of food/nutrients you can cycle through the water daily WHILST keeping those low levels of phos and nitrates we run that feeds that acros and gives them what they need to produce the colors you want.

Are you using anything such as aminos etc or nothing at all.

:thumbsup: Well stated Andrew
Dang Andrew that intense blue tabler is the BOMB! Any idea what species it is? I don't recognize it. That red one you got for $35 is just mean...

Thanks Mindy, i was leaning towards A. willisae on the possible species but i'm not sure tbh.

So scrumptious! I love seeing what you do with the wild acros, and of course I love the pin-up pics of your beauties:inlove:

Thanks a lot Matt, i just got back from Deer Park as Dom, Dave and Mark thought it would be funny to send me pics of what came in today at midday while i was at work.....
I downed tools, called it a day and was abusing the three of them in person 40 mins after i got the first text......... :p

I already have this exact acro so i left it for someone else even though i really wanted to take it home........ $35
It's what the white skin with electric blue polyps looks like freshly collected by Christian from Sustainable Reefs - the only reef you need to sustain is mine Chris.......
The green tinged skin is part bleached so greener on the reef - looks like those Casper the ghost glow in the dark finger puppets i had when i was a kid. Most of you wouldn't know what a glow in the dark finger puppet looked like but i can tell you they sh#t all over your pokemons and other rubbish you play with now.


That's wonderful Andrew thanks so much for the suggestions! I'll definitely listen to them and start implementing them. Once after fallow period is over I'll move the fish back. I'll keep you updated. Thank you again and your corals' colors are probably the best I've seen. Love that blue!

Hi mate, please don't think i was doing anything except suggesting a simpler way to achieve what i know you want, it's what we all strive for :)
Just go slow with the changes and use your eyes over the test kits for where your nutrient balance is at. My phos is 0.03 on the Elos high res kit (great phos kit) but my glass is green within 3-4 hours of cleaning due to large mysis and krill feeding to make sure my tang is 100% better and over the ich.
Obviously the low reading is artificially held due to the algae consuming phos fast enough to keep it out of the water column. If you removed all the algae instantly and took a reading hours later i bet you'd see a sudden rise which would continue until the algae was allowed to regrow.
There are so many things that go on right in front of your eyes daily that are very helpful indicators of where things are at so teaching yourself to make note of them makes the hobby a lot more enjoyable and gives you more satisfaction at the end of the day imo. :beer:

Just caught up on your acro porn.

I'm not looking anymore. :facepalm:

Lol, thanks Josh.

Is that all? I could ask for more but I wanted to leave some for the brothers of the reef.

Seriously though, if you do decide to frag please remember me and tell me what it will cost. Thank you.

I'm in Aus so it's not really an option mate.

I go away for two weeks and you pull out all the stops! Maybe I should go away more

Seriously just amazing Andrew, it gets better and better every time I see the tank and the acro's doing so well Good to see John brought you some nice goodies too! lol

Thanks Dom, John brought me very cool frags which are all getting permanent places to live. :)

Man oh man, Andrew.. I'm still breathing heavy from the last few pages..
Just crazy- as per usual. That blue tabler is just unreal.
Where's your general n and p these days?
Your corals aren't growing because they are too busy busting all the colors of the rainbow!!
I swear they are using all their energy producing pigments, they have nothing left for growth.
You are the acro porn master..... I bow to the porn master!!!!!

Hurt me again, porn master....

I left this at the shop today because it's another one i already have Matt......... $45-


Loved all the new pics. That blue one is the poster child for why we grow acros!

Thanks Mark :)

I don't have this particular pigment so i took this little golf ball sized branch end home today. The reason i picked it out was because there were two similar pieces beside it that were colored in the classic A. secale purple/blue tipped colors with flouro green polyps and this little branch was distinctly different in skin pigment shade.
All the boys at the shop agreed it was a one off to the usual colors we see so it's now temporarily mounted on a frag disc and resting on the sand.........


See the little tip top right............ that is a SSC variant that was sitting among about 6-7 other SCC which were much, much greener in the classic tones we all know. This piece is either just more bleached as Dave suggested ( classic Dave trying to stop me buying acros behavior which i ignored ) or might be more white and pink looking ( i don't really like the classic greener SSC colors tbh )
Hey Andrew, if you wanted to replicate the visual light output of a Radium lit tank with T5 and had 10 T5 tubes in one fixture, what tubes would you choose?

I've never run all T5's Mike so that's what i'll be trying to do with the 8 x 24W bulbs that are going over the frag tank section of the new sump. I will be trying to match the pigment tones in the display above more than trying to replicate the visual look of the lighting. If i had two grand to burn i'd grab a couple of Radion pro's or other high end units and work out a real radium spectrum to best match the pigment generation of the dragon bulbs.

All those secret potion he is dosing LOOL
get some growth on those bad boys as well so I can get a frag from you.
Adelaide to Brisbane isn't that far to ship over.

Melbourne mate :)

:thumbsup: Well stated Andrew

Thanks Greg :)


How am I supposed to sleep at night if I don't get my acro porn.? Don't make me go to another thread:headwallblue:

The acros aren't very porny looking atm mate. They didn't like me adding 100lbs of new sand back into the display at all lol. Very un poppy looking bunch due to the disruption and cloudy water over the two day ordeal...... imagine adding all that sand AND moving over 70 acros all over the place and back during the process........ never again......:hammer:

Check out BJ against the sand, everything pops more with sand including your fish ;)

Hi Andrew..... I just finish my catch up of the last pages. Men those Acros.....what can I say ? I am speachless!!! On top of that your always positive attitude to help all us and that Aussi sense of humor !!!

Love this thread !!!

Best Daniel
Hi Andrew..... I just finish my catch up of the last pages. Men those Acros.....what can I say ? I am speachless!!! On top of that your always positive attitude to help all us and that Aussi sense of humor !!!

Love this thread !!!

Best Daniel

Thanks very much Daniel :)

it´s..... soooo.... bright....

looking good Andrew!

Thanks Flo, i need an acro lava flow like you..........:twitch:

Remember this sustainable reef frag i got 4 months ago. I had it directly under the right 400W radium up high (high for my scape) for about 10 weeks and it looked exactly the same washed out mewly color so i gave up on it and pried the little rock i had it on off the rock work.
This is what i mean about using small rocks to mount stuff on when new and you aren't sure what light it needs. That way if you decide it's in the wrong spot you can easily move it without disturbing any encrusting tissue and this lets the frag move go relatively unnoticed by the acro and within 24-48 hours it will be settled.


Just sitting it on the sand for 6 weeks gave way better results so i'm guessing it wasn't collected in waist deep water...........;)

I have no room for basically anything now on the rocks so the couple of pieces i bought today i bought with specific places in mind. Both the growing style and colors played a big factor in why i chose the two small pieces i did so tomorrow i'll take pics of the mounting of both pieces on small rocks and then onto the scape where they are going to contrast very well among their surrounding acro pals.

This piece was $45- and about 4" x 5". The stuff i have to now ignore since filling the display is going to get awfully depressing......... :sad2:

Andrew, I thought I'd point out, just in case you may not be aware, one of definitions of addiction is when something starts to alter your life and begins to hamper your work life..
The whole dropping the tools and b lining it to Deer Park may be a red flag..
In your case, it's a red, purple, mauve, blue, turquoise, and pink... And fuscia and burgundy flag.
Just saying..
I have 17 weeks leave up my sleeve Matt........ lots and lots of addiction time to play with and not a single loved one to stop me mate........

Dave reckons this is just badly bleached SSC - i think it's a much paler skinned variant. If it's just SSC i will drop it in Dom's display when he's not watching one visit :thumbsup:


The green spidery bits behind it fell off your green and purple tipped spider looking acro Dom. Just fell off one day out of the blue.....:reading:

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Andrew.... this Acro is something truly amazing to my eyes. I can't stop looking to it.

I can't remember from your thread, sorry if I ask again, Are you dipping all these new Acros ?

I have 17 weeks leave up my sleeve Matt........ lots and lots of addiction time to play with and not a single loved one to stop me mate........

Dave reckons this is just badly bleached SSC - i think it's a much paler skinned variant. If it's just SSC i will drop it in Dom's display when he's not watching one visit :thumbsup:


The green spidery bits behind it fell off your green and purple tipped spider looking acro Dom. Just fell off one day out of the blue.....:reading:

Ssc? Hm.. hang on to that one.. I see a blue purple tipped masterpiece in the making..
Andrew.... that last picture is something truly amazing to my eyes. I can't stop looking to it.

I can't remember from your thread, sorry if I ask again, Are you dipping all these new Acros ?


No Daniel, i give them a very close inspection at the shop and then they go from the bag straight into the display when i get home. It's only 35-40 min drive to Dave's so i don't bother floating for temp as i checked a few times and the bag water was still about 23-24 when i got home. My water is 26.5 and they have PE within 5-10 mins most times.
Before i go to bed i meant to tell you about a certain red headed mate of mine who somehow scored the SPS partner of all time........

After catching up with Dom, Mark and Dave for 15 mins at the shop i was looking at the 12 or so 1"-1.5" cultured clams that all looked very pretty. At $250- a throw i will only ever look at the shop however.

Up walks Dom with a grin on his face and says

' Nice aren't they '
' Yeah but too pricey for me '
' Want to know which one i'm getting '
' Which one and how much '
' That one, it's $250- '
pointing to a gold mantled beauty.............
' #$#@@ $250 bucks for that little thing ! '
' Oh i'm not paying i have this '

Now this is where everything went weird and i started to think i was in some reef keeper twilight zone episode........ you are not going to believe this....:spin1:

Dom holds up this little slip of paper the size of a credit card with color print on it and i read something similar to:

This voucher entitles the bearer to one amazing clam and one beautiful wrasse at Deer Park Aquarium.

' What the bleep is that ?'
' Georgia gave it to me '
' Are you serious, Georgia gave you a gift voucher and she's paying. Does she know how much clams are ! '

I then yelled at Dave and Mark ' do you guys know about this bleeping voucher Dom has '

Laughing they both say yeah it's legit, we knew about it before Dom.

' Wanna see my flasher wrasse '
' what flasher wrasse '
' It's down the far end tank, you won't miss it ' - he grinned again and it was starting to annoy me now......

I walk down and here is this shimmering metallic rainbow fish fluttering away like a smart arse that knows it's pretty as hell.

I yelled out to Mark ' is he seriously getting this $%#$@ flasher wrasse for free too '

' YUP ' - and he's got the same annoying grin on his face too..........

I spent about 15-20 secs storming up and down the tank aisles ranting and swearing with good reason at how unfair it was that Dom had a voucher and i was never gonna get one. The three clowns all thought it was funny but i was right royally upset............:mad2::hammer:

I know the three of you waited to drop the voucher bomb on me so you'd all get a good laugh. You're all on my list....... all three of you......;)