Acer's new build thread

Well David responded quickly and apologized, he new what happened and so I broke down the overflow system and headed north to Daves. He was waiting for me and he used this really cool tool = looked like a huge glue gun that used a special acrylic glue cartridge. He had sealed both the internal and external boxes in less than an hour. So, test #2 coming.
Overflow test#2.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160904_170721884_zpszitef6qy.jpg"/></a>

Yay.... no leaking from either internal or external boxes.
However, now I am getting leaking from the bulkheads. So, time to scrounge more caskets. Using three when that pic was taken = have one on the inside internal box between flange of bulkhead and the back of internal box, then another between external box and glass, and a third between the bulkhead nut and the front of the external box.
Yeah success!!!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160904_191408119_zpssatvg8zh.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160904_191436954_zpslcnvbrcw.jpg"/></a>

Its hard to see but the internal and internal boxes are completely filled with water and no leaks. So had to use 12 caskets.
LOL - just realized my typos - should be gaskets ,not caskets. Although - with the frustration form this project I have kinds felt like I could use a casket for someone.
Yeah, successful fill test, looks like water line will be about 1 inch from top of tank.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160905_175252713_zpsxtoesh0w.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160905_181530410_zpsc7jiajf0.jpg"/></a>
Looking really good! I decided to order mine from Steve as well. Can't wait to join the club. How do you feel about the eurobrace with your overflow now that you have it in?
Certainly looks great- hopefully it will function as good as it looks. The standard overflow is too small and does not allow for anything other than a Herbie drain method ( 2 x 1 inch drains ) and one 1 inch return form sump. So it really forced you to spend $$$ on internal wave-maker pumps - which are expensive, require maintenance, and depending on who to ask don't last all that long. I am hoping to use a minimal amount of internal pumps for flow as I should be pumping 1200-1500 gallons of water form my basement using a Reeflo Barracuda using a 1.5 inch spa-flex hose splitting into 2 x 1 inch PVC pipes at the level of the external overflow which then have dual sprayers/actuators/"Sqwds" on those ends. So , hopefully I am only going to need my MP40 in the middle on the back wall.
And much labor still required.

First I have to complete all the gluing in the downstairs plumbing together - that was what was scheduled Sunday. I have to finish installing the sump filter sock holder as well. Then - get salt water , sand in refugium, skimmer in sump, in the system and run it with a Mag 9 and 5 moving water thru it - until it settles down - 2-3 days I would think . Then start transferring live rock and a fish or 2 for a week only - no lights yet as they are still required by corals in the 2 tanks that are currently running . .

Also, the main display tank is filled in the garage only - this week just let it sit full as a Test while I work on the downstairs area. Then will use a Large lined garbage can placed behind it fill with water and and put a few pumps in it - pumping water into tank to test the overflow system and see what the water level will be when I am pushing 1200 gallons of water thru it. When I am satisfied with that - I will mark the water level again, then install the canopy inside wood strips that hold the canopy in place at the desired level. Then I will have to cut/modify the bottom back portion of the canopy to allow for the external overflow and the plumbing from the return pump - could really use your help on this Jamie with your carpentry experience.

By this time the downstairs sump/fuge area should be ready for more livestock - so will transfer the rest of the rock/livestock and lights to that area.

After that - then pump all the water out of the tanks (40 cube downstairs, the 65 display in the living room, and the 150 in the garage) . Then move the 65 out of the living room and get it to Rob. Move the 40 cube over t0 the sump/fuge area as it will now be my quarantine tank. Then start figuring out the "fun" part of exactly where/how to get the plumbing from upstairs to downstairs - have a general plan.

Then finally move the new 150 tank from garage to living room and fill with new salt water, sand ( maybe going bare bottom - not sure yet) and connect the plumbing.

I think we are finally ready to start the Reeflo pump downstairs and open valves and see how it all works. If all is good - then start transferring livestock/liverock/corals/lights etc. to the main display area.
I love your plumbing ideas. For me keeping it simple was the way to go, but you are going to get some really great filtration with what you have set up.

I also considered bare bottom, but I just really like having a substrate and already have an LTA paired with my bonded clown pair soooo I wasn't going to give that up.

Keep us posted.
Hey just saw the thing about cutting up your canopy. If you haven't already done it, let me know. I'll leave Sierra at home and come do that with you.
Jamie -Ok , will do. Next week sometime.

Texdoc - thanks. Yes , hopefully thats the idea on the overflow. I like the look of a substrate as well. But barebottom is so easy to take care of.
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Ok , have busy with other projects etc. Today got back into the tank project. I got the acrylic filter sock holder glued to a piece of acrylic at 90 degrees that will anchor the sock holder to the glass baffle on one side. Have the other side in place ready for silicone tomorrow.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160921_194141917_zpsrilh4pzh.jpg"/></a>

Also have final baffle in refugium in place ready for silicone tomorrow.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160921_194317215_zpsrsuxj4ur.jpg"/></a>
well here is pic of completed sump with filter sock holder in place- tested today and the water will fill up to 1/4 inch from top of sock before last baffles prevents the overflow- so yeah!!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160928_185908404_zpsfyr8csbv.jpg"/></a>
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Im sure your build is great but your photos are not working. im trying to make up my mind on 150 from SC aquariums
Thanks , I did not noticed that , they were working fine, then something happened to my photobucket.

I will repost latest pics soon. Pm me if u have questions or post here.

Pics are still working on other websites. Must be due to the way pics are posted on this site vs the other site.
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Im sure your build is great but your photos are not working. im trying to make up my mind on 150 from SC aquariums

There are a lot of good tanks out there, but I personally think the value to feature ratio of the SCA tanks is hard to beat. Also great customer service.
Test for pic.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20160921_194305481_zpsohzn7fi6.jpg"/></a>
Ted, you either moved (probably to NEW 150 BUILD ;)) some pics from your 2016-09 folder or you made them private. That's why they are not showing up here anymore. You have six photos visible to me in that folder and none of them match the names of photos not showing up above.