Acer's new build thread

I have containers if you need to borrow some. I have enough that you could empty your entire system if you wanted, not that you do, but just saying.
I have 3 x 35 gallon containers. So that is 105 gallons - I would hope that after taking out the weight of of 105 gallons a few of us could lift that side up an inch - enough to get shims in.
Ok, tank leveled. I need a good Chiropractor. Lol. Sometimes its good to have kids at home. I drained the tank to about 2 inches. Then my oldest and I lifted the stand enough for my wife and daughter to slide in custom shims made by Drone.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20161113_190258635_zpsyy9z796x.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20161113_192715270_zpsr3ccqes8.jpg"/></a>
OK- Finally up and running with full power!! Due to the decreased head pressure that originally thought and the decrease drain fall height I am pushing too much water for one 1 inch drain - even at full siphon. So I had to use both 1 inch drains with a gate valve on the end of one of them to silence the overflows and that leaves only the one 1.5 inch drain for an emergency. I will test that tomorrow to see if it will do the job if one of the other drains gets plugged. If, after testing the 1.5 inch emergency drain, I determine it wont do the job safely - then I will have to figure out another option.
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OK- Finally up and running with full power!! Due to the decreased head pressure that originally thought and the decrease drain fall height I am pushing too much water for one 1 inch drain - even at full siphon. So I had to use both 1 inch drains with a gate valve on the end of one of them to silence the overflows and that leaves only the one 1.5 inch drain for an emergency. I will test that tomorrow to see if it will do the job if one of the other drains gets plugged. If, after testing the 1.5 inch emergency drain, I determine it wont do the job safely - then I will have to figure out another option.
Ha ha, at least you have an emergency drain! I hope it passes the test.
Got new fish delivered from CA. They send notice last night to my office email, which i did not get until Noon today because I dont have time at my office to check email. I dont forward my office emails. By then the package was sitting on my front steps freezing, but i didnt know it. My 16 year okd daughter noticed the package about 3- she was home, and did not hear a knock or doorbell ring, and brought it in. But , did not notice that he " live fish" written all other it, so dhe just left it sittibg on my kitchen table. I got home from work at 5 and noticed the box and asked when she noticed it. So, figuring the fish were already dead. I opened box to find three , triple bagged , perfectly still fish. They werent floating dead. So, started floating bags..... sure enough... as the water warmed each fish started moving. At this point, we are thru the three hour drip method and all three were released into the QT. All three swam into the large PVC fitting to hide. So, cross your fingers..... these ( a pair of Blue Throat Triggers, and a hybrid dwarf angel) may be pretty tough fish and survive.
Fish can deal with cold better than heat. A few years ago my chiller controller malfunctioned, (the controller I had before the one you bought from me) and got stuck on in the middle of the night. Dave got up to use the bathroom and noticed the chiller running, which nevet happened in the winter. I checked it out and the tank was down to 49°F. Amazingly 4 of my 7 fish made it and the ones that died were chromis and damsels.
Glad you are up and running! I think you have been exceptionally patient and am excited you are getting some payoff.

At this point, we are thru the three hour drip method and all three were released into the QT.

I was under the assumption based on some reading on this site that slow drip for bag shipped fish is a no-no because of the way the opened bag releases the CO2 and increases the pH and converts ammonium to ammonia. Obviously you needed to match temp and then salinity but perhaps this is a reason you lost the trigger.

Not that I am in ANY position to judge the way anyone else acclimatizes fish but the science makes sense to me...

Anyway sorry you lost the trigger, I have decided come hell or high water I am getting a midas blenny through TTM and into my DT, probably start this after the new year.
Ah Ted, I was hoping that all 3 were going to make it. I was also told that a slow drip was to be avoided because of ammonia. Seahorses are very sensitive to ammonia and both seahorse farms I ordered from said to never use the slow drip. Instead they said to acclimate in closed bag for 20 minutes and then take out a cup of water from bag and add a cup from the tank. Then in 5 minutes do that 1 more time and after 5 more minutes release.
Yes , but due to the temp i figured I needed to go slow.

Got all fish and corals in new tank this morning.

Obviously , not the male trigger or the hybrid drawf Angel. If anyone loxal know how to probral/ setup a classic Apex please Pm Me
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Progress= got 2 x24 inch T5HO supplemental lights installed in canopy. Should help coral growth - counteracts the spotlight effect of LED's.