Acer's new build thread

I bought a bunch off of E-Bay awhile back. I spent around $120 with shipping for 300 cerith, 100 astrea and 100 blue leg hermits.

Granted you can't go wrong with one of our sponsors especially depending on the amount that you are looking for.
Picked up 20 hermits from Reef Gallery last night - they are of perfect size- too small to attack and kill decent size snails ,but not soo tiny that you need hundreds to do any good. So, its a start. He did not have any snails besides Astrea ( fall over and die - I have better things to do than constantly up-righting snails in my tank). Purchasing live stuff over the net this time of year I feel is a crap shoot or worse - due to the shipping issues with the holidays and the cold unpredictable weather. Besides - I think its great to trade with the local shops as much as possible. I will call around and report what type of CUC's are available in our area.
Well the RODI filters were indeed in need of changing= 4 PPM - its amazing how you don't notice this stuff until its too late. So - installed new Resin, 1 micron filter , and both carbon filters. Now RODI reading zero PPM . Also Changed out my GFO reactor in the sump, 7 inch filter socks, and cleaned the skimmer. Used the iffy stored RODI water to clean the filter socks before they went into the bleach water and for rinsing the new GFO. Unfortunately , I have 25 gallons of pre-made salt water , ready for a water change scheduled today - that was made from RODI water that was about a 4 PPM. SO, not sure what to do. I think I will run that new salt water thru a dual reactor with GFO and Carbon for a day before I do the water change.

Hopefully get the CAT6 cable run from my network switcher to the APEX later today or tomorrow.

I need to pick up a cheapo LED light for my refugium to grow out my Macro - any suggestions.
Check out the TaoTronics LED Grow light on Amazon. I've used them before I got into reefing to proof my plants prior to starting them outside for my garden, and they work great.

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Before I came back to the thread I found this:

I am using something similar to that Fetta - not doing the job- as I also have some pulsing Xenia. I want to keep alive because I like the pulsing and its a good filter feeder- but do not want it to take over my display tank. Maybe I could add a few of them? certainly cheaper =at $13 a piece.

I will check that out Zelie- thanks

Edit: Decided on getting 2 of Fetta's suggestion, figured the refugium is a 75 gallon that is 18" wide so can put 2 of them side by side length wise.
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Ted, I bought this off ebay.

Well just received my Reefcleaners $95 order- only one small hot pack on the top of the 6 bags/paper packing in a 12" x 12" box. All contents very cold- as in less than 40 degrees. Limpet and Emerald crabs stuff and lying upside down. NO movement from snails/hermits. What a waste. Ya, like I am going to put all these dead animals in my tank. Have bags floating to see if anything comes to life= zero chance. Really one 3 x 2 inch hot pack lying on top of the paper. I already emailed them, well see....
To my surprise some of the snails and hermits actually came to life after acclimation process. The Emeralds and limpet are DOA. It looks like about 50/50 on the snails and hermits.

Unfortunately - I also had an order from Algae Barn due yesterday that did not get delivered at all , and not yet today either. SO =UPSP is definitely not keeping up.
Sorry to hear that. John at reefcleaners is usually good about sending replacements. I had a package that came ice cold with some losses and he made me whole.
I recently odered from algea barn 2x. They take a while to get it shipped out but their packaging is top notch. Package arrived 3 days late but all was well. Good luck

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My own fault, probably should have checked weather before ordering. Yes, Algae barn already contacted me. We will wait for replacement order until it us warmer. Great service, i guess the order did finally arrive and is very cold as expected. My son unpackaged it and pod bags r floating. He says he sees no movement in the bags. If 21 year old eyes does not see movement i doubt i will either. Bummer....
I need to pick up a cheapo LED light for my refugium to grow out my Macro - any suggestions.

Don't know if you've already settled on a light but I use an LED Sylvania par 38 14 Watt 5000K lightbulb that is rated for indoor/outdoor in a little metal cone clamp above my chaeto. Chaeto is growing like a weed.

Bluethroat in QT doing well and eats pretty much all my frozen foods. 5 weeks in QT. No signs of any diseases. Have not medicated. Ready to transfer... ?? Hate to medicate with no signs and 5 weeks of QT. He us still shy, but not quite as bad.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170101_133827106_zpsnloado6e.jpg"></a>

Had to move rockwork around due to continuing Hair Algae issues. Scraped and pulled off hair algae, and put that live rock in refugium where it won't get much light. Moved clean live rock from fuge to display.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170101_133732911_HDR_zpss23lqumk.jpg"></a>
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