Well the RODI filters were indeed in need of changing= 4 PPM - its amazing how you don't notice this stuff until its too late. So - installed new Resin, 1 micron filter , and both carbon filters. Now RODI reading zero PPM . Also Changed out my GFO reactor in the sump, 7 inch filter socks, and cleaned the skimmer. Used the iffy stored RODI water to clean the filter socks before they went into the bleach water and for rinsing the new GFO. Unfortunately , I have 25 gallons of pre-made salt water , ready for a water change scheduled today - that was made from RODI water that was about a 4 PPM. SO, not sure what to do. I think I will run that new salt water thru a dual reactor with GFO and Carbon for a day before I do the water change.
Hopefully get the CAT6 cable run from my network switcher to the APEX later today or tomorrow.
I need to pick up a cheapo LED light for my refugium to grow out my Macro - any suggestions.