Apex programming = not really. Got a temp probe set up and figured out how to turn on/off/ variable for the Jeboa wave pumps. I could not figure out how to even change the time. Lol , I build all our PC's and networked my office. But the Apex stuff makes little sense to me.
Thanks....Yes, I hope so. I figure if none fail and all grow I will have to sell, give away, etc in about a year.
Also, will post that my Alk is 8.8 Dkh, and the PO4 is .025, PH= 8.1 - 8.2, temp = 78. Nitrates/nitrite and ammonia are near 0.
Still having hair algae issues, especially in substrate- but is seems to be slowly getting better.
Thanks- I think much of my algae issues in the substrate are from one bag of "live" sand that was bad. Probably my fault as I ordered some of my sand too early - so it sat in garage for several weeks. I remember opening the bag and it stunk- washed it well , but I did not think I had enough substrate so I used it - in spite of my initial thought not to. So my PO4 was pretty high initially - running GFO and have a bottle Sea Klear phosphate remover waiting I got from a friend, just in case if the po4 does not continue to lower toward .01 or if Hair Algae doesn't continue to reduce. I did not check the Ca+ as reef crystals are usually high enough and I have been doing water changes weekly of about 20 gallons. Although , reef crystals are also usually high in ALk- and mine test showed I am currently not high. So I wonder if the corals are using the Alk and Ca+ - so I guess I should check the Ca+. I am using Kalkwaser in my auto top off which is holding my PH well and I hope helping the ALk and Ca+ parameters. I have 2 BRS dosers at the ready - but rather not use them until I have to. Still need to get my Apex fully set up.
probably automatic water change
The supersaturation is pushed to unusually high levels. This can be caused by a rise in pH, a rise in temperature (as on a heater), or more obviously, by a rise in either calcium or carbonate.
I think Alkalinity drop in mixed stored salt water was explained by Randy long time ago. Alkalinity (carbonate) and calcium under right conditions form calcium carbonate, the basis for coral hard skeleton. As the calcium carbonate is being formed by corals, calcium and alkalinity levels drop. This same calcium carbonate can be formed through precipitation. Which to some degree is inevitable, especially in salt mixes with elevated parameters. From his article, calcium carbonate precipitation may occur because:
So if you have a salt mix with particularly high concentration of alkalinity compared to natural sea water, it will eventually precipitate into calcium carbonate. Salt water with higher levels of dissolved Alk and/or Cal is just less stable.