Acer's new build thread


Bluethroat in QT doing well and eats pretty much all my frozen foods. 5 weeks in QT. No signs of any diseases. Have not medicated. Ready to transfer... ?? Hate to medicate with no signs and 5 weeks of QT. He us still shy, but not quite as bad.

Had to move rockwork around due to continuing Hair Algae issues. Scraped and pulled off hair algae, and put that live rock in refugium where it won't get much light. Moved clean live rock from fuge to display.

Looks great. Glad to hear the bluethroat is doing well. I'm planning to do TTM plus six weeks of observation. I don't even want to think about trying to catch a sick fish once it's in the display.

- Ivan

Bluethroat in QT doing well and eats pretty much all my frozen foods. 5 weeks in QT. No signs of any diseases. Have not medicated. Ready to transfer... ?? Hate to medicate with no signs and 5 weeks of QT. He us still shy, but not quite as bad.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170101_133827106_zpsnloado6e.jpg"></a>

Had to move rockwork around due to continuing Hair Algae issues. Scraped and pulled off hair algae, and put that live rock in refugium where it won't get much light. Moved clean live rock from fuge to display.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170101_133732911_HDR_zpss23lqumk.jpg"></a>
Wow Ted, your tank looks great!
Thanks Dawn- yes looks good so far- but still have things that need to get done = ATO, Dosers pumps, and Manifold up, as well as get the Apex fully functional ( means running a Cat5 wire to the tank from basement). I cant wait to get a Tang to help with the algae issues. But need to get the Blue throat out of the QT and into the display so I can put a Copper Banded Butterfly or a tang in the QT. Since Tangs are typically the most aggressive species, I wanted to wait and add that type of fish last. So, a Copper Banded or other type of "reef friendly with caution" butterfly will be next in the QT.
Update- today was the scheduled day to take my Blue Throat trigger that has been in the QT tank for 6 weeks and put him into the display tank. Yesterday noticed he was even shyer than usual - he always immediately came out of the PVC as soon as I put food in the tank and fed voraciously. But yesterday he didn't - but he did eat , and today I found him dead. So here the question = WHAT HAPPENED?? checked the ammonia and nitrate= both zero. HE never acted like any trigger I had ever seen- none were ever shy like this guy. So was he sick the whole time and/or never recovered from the ice cold trip he had 6 weeks ago upon purchase and the poor communication with the Seller, ups not ringing the doorbell,etc. Should I have treated him with meds even though he ate well and no sign of disease? I am at a loss.

Frankly , I have never had good luck with the QT scenario and have always had better luck with just good observation at the store and not buying any fish that I am not confident in. However, with the new tank I figured I would be extra careful so set up a new full tank setup fro a QT = 40 cube tank, hang on skimmer, programmable wave pump, etc. Did water changes diligently, etc. - spend more cash to a " higher grade seller" and ended up with not a single fish going into the display.

So, I guess next step is to buy locally and medicate fully immediately and do the program of hypo salinity .... OR just say forget it and not add more fish.
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Sorry to hear about him......

Tank transfer method with meds added for flukes and worms or others as deemed necessary.

You should be clear in under 14 days. You could always leave them in for another week for observation just watch ammonia.

Oh, and don't use airstones unless you pitch them after each change.

Yesterday took everything out of Qt and wiped it off. Mounted electronics over and behind QT as I was going to do before I got surprised by the fish order appearing on my doorstep without warning 2 months ago. Will let QT sit dry for a week then decide on what fish(s) to try next.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170113_111012324_zpsaipbrqwm.jpg"></a>
Picked up a frag pack which was delivered today= 8 sps frags= sour Apple, teal stag, a blue turacki, pink birdsnest, waynes reef, tri color, purple acro, purple tip. Nothing rare, but some nice stuff. Had to rearrange some stuff.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170113_120219722_HDR_zpsylfkwomw.jpg"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20170113_120229803_HDR_zpsm0kcwlbx.jpg"></a>
Hey give me a heads up before you order fish, also want a peice of sour apple....looking good
OK - leaning toward a Midas Blenny and a Copperbanded. Both are fairly mellow fish, the Midas should be good- the trick for the copper-banded is getting them to eat.
My Midas was a jumper. Emphasis on WAS.

Keep an eye on him. Your Euro bracing will probably help.

Also have a tight fitting full canopy. I guess , with my luck lately, the fish could jump and land on the Eurobrace and stay there until they expire.
Any idea where to get live black worms?

Spend an hour picking/sifting the algae out of my substrate yesterday. Looks much better- but not sure it wont just grow back. I think the one bags of sand I got was bad - so even though I cleaned it I think I am getting a lot of leaching of Phospates,etc. even with using GFO. I am going to try and get the ATO, Apex dosers, and change the on/off cycle of the Jeboa powerheads thru my Apex today. If anybody knows how to do the APex stuff, please get a hold of me. I should be able to figure it out between the internet direction, vids, etc. but it is always easier to have someone talk you thru it. Will be testing Ca+,MG+, Po4, nitrates. Will post later on results.
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Elmer's used to sell live blackworms, not sure if they still do or not, but they did not have them the last time I asked. I have bought them at wet pets in the past. Also Oddball Pets was my go to store for good black worms.
Ok testing results:

Ph= 8.1
Temp= 80
Ca+= 509
Salinity= 1.024
No3= 0
Phosphates= .043 ppm
Alk= 8.12 Dkh

All looks pretty good right?

Lol my Mg+= 500...What!! How the heck does that happen?
Bring your Magnesium back up and then add a little to the salinity and you should be good.

I run my temps a little lower. Not sure if that makes a difference.

Looking good!

I will recheck Mag - makes no sense that Reef crystals has a 500 CA+ and a 500 MG+ as well. I think I messed up the test or the kit is messed up. Salifert kit , not expired.

Bring up Salinity to 1.026= Yes - I was messing with ATO and added to much RODI water - so I will let that evaporate off to bring it back up.

That temp reading was from the APEX probe I just put in today, the Other probe reads 79 (Ranco) . I thought we were supposed to be 78-82. So set my Ranco to 79.
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Reef crystals does have high Ca, reported around 490. Mg around 1440 though, so I wouldn't necessarily trust that Mg 500 number. Also, high Ca usually affects Mg readings and vice versa. The first reagent of the Mg test kit is designed to cause Ca to precipitate so that it doesn't affect the readings. I think if you have too much Ca, it's not as effective.