Acer's new build thread

update: Trying to decide on a new skimmer - I don't think my modified ASM g3 will do the job. Have a few used options including :

1) vertex int180
2) SRO 3000

neither of these have a highly efficient pumps ( DC ) - but both will certainly do the job. The SRO 3000 may be too big.

parameters if buying new:

a) DC pump for quiet and low wattage usage.
b) easy to breakdown and service
c) rated for 200 - 250 reef medium load ( most are very overrated) .
d) budget= $300 including shipping

opinions wanted.....

Look at the Simplicity skimmers I bought one about 3 months ago the build quality is very good and they have a DC pump

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Which Model did you get Nick? What is your current total water volume? How much skimmate a week? What are your nutrients testing out at?

yep - they are on my short list- finding feedback/reviews is difficult. Which model do you have and for what size system are you using it on?

Edit : LOL - you beat me Kevin....
Which Model did you get Nick? What is your current total water volume? How much skimmate a week? What are your nutrients testing out at?


I got the 240 one, my systems total is around 100gallons and I couldn't tell you what my nutrients are because I haven't tested them for a long time but it definitely smokes my G3 as far as consistency on skim mate it's my favorite skimmer to date I've had a corallife, aqua-c, lifereef, and the asm G3 this has been my favorite out of the 5

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Acer's new build thread

This was the second day I got it, I've never had a skimmer start producing good head that fast and I haven't adjusted in about 3 months just clean the cup once a week

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Acer's new build thread

Which Model did you get Nick? What is your current total water volume? How much skimmate a week? What are your nutrients testing out at?


I get about 3/4 to 1 inch in the cup per week I haven't actually measured it but I only have the two tangs and they don't get fed to much

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I emailed Simplicity yesterday after your post and they recommended the 320 for my setup = $350 plus shipping = too expensive for me??? NOT sure - maybe. I am going to look into the used vertex with the conversion of the newer Jeboa 6000 pump = DCT model and I guess the newest DSC model is now the 7000. I have to make sure the new Jeboa pump DCT6000 will work with the conversion that I linked above. I saw a comment on Amazon that the impeller is made differently that the original model and it does not come apart without using a dremel.
I say we try a mesh mod first and if we trash the green impeller then go to a needle wheel.

also looking at the Cloud 9 skimmer =$350. Uses a DC pump as well. Leaning away from modding a new DC pump without a video showing how its done ,etc. as the warranties/long term track record of DC pumps is "iffy" at best already. So - trying to find a DC pump that is a skimmer pump already. So far only Reef Octopus ($250) has them retail - that I can find. However, both the Cloud9 and the Simplicity skimmers use DC pump's so they have to be out there.
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That's why you use them on a skimmer and not a return.

Oh, and they pretty much have NO track record. That's why they're under $100.

From what I'm getting most of the problems were addressed in the upgrade from the original dc models. They seemed to have legitimate problems. The DCT and DCS models mostly are having problems with the users who insist on using them externally even though they are repeatedly told as per the instructions that they are internal only.

I might end up modding one for the Tunze 9440 to see how it runs with one big DC pump with similar numbers to the Tunze DOC 9430.

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yep- that is what I am getting on my end as well. I just need to confirm that I can (with a vid or at least instructions) indeed mod a DTS6000 and make it into a needle wheel skimmer pump for the vertex - then we are good to go. That Cloud9 skimmer looks sweet for $350 - but would rather spend $200 and use the extra $150 for other fun stuff.
Look at the comments in his You tube assembly video.

He responded to me in a very non informing way.

Getting ready to order my glass sump and refugium baffles from my local glass shop. Have looked up several threads showing using the same 40B and 75 gallon tanks. Most say their baffles were about 17.5 inches wide. I get more like 17.25. Am I just really bad at measuring ?- I don't want to order the wrong size.

Current rough sump/fuge setup in garage: