Acronics Statement of the Art

has anyone tried to use the jaebo dp4 screen on their ghl doser.
How about the pump heads. anybody try interchanging them. For the price of a DP4 I'm considering buying one just for spare parts. Trying to find out if the parts are interchangeable
Bumpty bump? lol lets some more of those stunning pics mate! :D

Thanks for keeping tabs on me! Sorry for the utter lack of content. Life has just been too demanding to devote the time needed. My wife and I had a miscarriage in the spring, family dealings with health and now my wife is pregnant with TWINS!! Ugh lol. Don't they know I have a reef tank to maintain? I don't need all these extra curricular activities piled up.

Corals look pooie but I am in full tank mode so expect to see some MUCH NEEDED updates around here.

has anyone tried to use the jaebo dp4 screen on their ghl doser.
How about the pump heads. anybody try interchanging them. For the price of a DP4 I'm considering buying one just for spare parts. Trying to find out if the parts are interchangeable

Sorry I don't have any hands on experience with the jaebo doser :(
Sorry to hear and congratulations!?!
Wow.. well good luck with everything.. you're gonna be a lot more preoccupied soon enough..
Glad to see your hanging in, though, Kevin! :)
Sounds like you've been through and are going thru a lot. Sorry for the one, been there, it sucks seriously. Congrats on the twins and welcome to the multiples club, it will keep you moving! May they be very healthy as well as mom. Hope the tank does well for you also. :)
Congrats on the prepared for much reduced time for the tank...LOL I got 4 kids now and free time is so precious. Happy Xmas and new year buddy. Look forward to some acro pics. :)
Thanks for the love guys :D

New coral beds installed! Much nicer than the stock tanks.

I'll get a few pic soon Dom. Nothing nice right now, mostly still brown but coming around.

The coral beds are for selling frags and various corals Todd :D all plumbed into the same system.
so heres what im working at colouring up right now. Its a long road ahead but ill get there. seems im getting the yellows dialed in! Ill post progress shots as the weeks go by. I need to get my photo station sorted out too. Just bought lightroom...again... damn thiefs. so thats one piece of the puzzle




so heres what im working at colouring up right now. Its a long road ahead but ill get there. seems im getting the yellows dialed in! Ill post progress shots as the weeks go by. I need to get my photo station sorted out too. Just bought lightroom...again... damn thiefs. so thats one piece of the puzzle




Your pictures always take my breath away Kevin:inlove: Simply stunning!
Thanks Matt, im still a little rusty but feeling good to be back on the wagon.

here are a few fish photos i snapped





Also scored an amazing find! Cirrhilabrus brunneus!!! hard to get a good pic as its constantly lurking in the shadows and changing colours.



Nice score on the fish. Good to see youre posting acro photos again. Look forward to seeing colourful SPS woohooo :D
I love the tusk. I've been looking for a small Australian one for a while now, but I think they might be seasonal. Haven't been able to locate one. I'm on a couple "in stock alert" mailing lists waiting patiently.