Acropora jacquelineae (Bali cultured)


In Memoriam
Just obtained this coral.... does anybody have this acro??? What is specific care??? I have 2 400 watt Radiums over a 75 gallon oceanic...... give me specifics on flow and height placement in tank.
I agree. Seems very easy to take care of. I wish I cold show u a pic of mine. It's a nice teal with blue tips. Very wierd. I haven't seen one like it before. Good luck!
I'm not sure if this one, but a few people told me it was....anyway I have it inches from the bottom partially shaded with good flow under my 250 xm10ks.
I have a frag that is half way down in my 100 with 2 400w Radiums and with low/med flow. It seems to be a very slow grower.
Thanks for the info

Thanks for the info

Thanks guys, a big help... I have mine midway down my tank under a 400 watt radium..... it is high to medium flow mine is also green with purplish tips..... I will see how it progresses... at this time only the polyps around the base have extended but it was just acclimated to my tank yesterday... I will give it time and see what happens.

Here is a pic of one of mine (the one in the middle). I just got this one from Rik Leishman. It has intense coloration!

BTW they are very slow growers.
