Reef Bass colors and textures Oct 30, 2010 #1 Some from my tank. First a couple of undata shots. ORA Frogskin ORA Purple Plasma ORA Red Planet Purple rim green Monti cap. Bonsai
Some from my tank. First a couple of undata shots. ORA Frogskin ORA Purple Plasma ORA Red Planet Purple rim green Monti cap. Bonsai
Grant W New member Oct 30, 2010 #2 Nice shots as usual Ken, I don't think they could be any clearer then that , the undata looks great look forward to seeing more real soon
Nice shots as usual Ken, I don't think they could be any clearer then that , the undata looks great look forward to seeing more real soon
kokaneejr New member Oct 30, 2010 #3 Nice Ken. Those first two look like a moonscapes wildflower field.
S swjim New member Nov 2, 2010 #9 Very nice, Ken! The first three montipora and the Bonsai shots are my favorites.