Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

Just thought I'd share a pic of a ric I got a couple weeks ago. Was pale green when I got it but has now colored up nicely:D


I love the blue ring showing up around it.

Merry Christmas to all you ric lovers out there
Syris said:
Just thought I'd share a pic of a ric I got a couple weeks ago. Was pale green when I got it but has now colored up nicely:D

I love the blue ring showing up around it.

Merry Christmas to all you ric lovers out there

Thanks everyone for the nice pictures that have been coming into this thread. It makes me want to post more of mine.

Nice picture Bill.
Okay, so I could not wait. Here is the entire patch of my Ricordea collection. Not a great picture.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Pic of New Yumas

Pic of New Yumas

Here is on of a colony of my new Yumas...taken with my new Coolpix 4300
Here is my long tenticle Blue florida

Here is my long tenticle Blue florida

I like this one 2 ......
Ok, I couldn't wait in the limelight anymore.

Here is a pic of one of my favorite orange rics:


I love the way it looks like a heart. It won't last, I know.
Sunny, that one came early for valentine's day. :D Very nice.

You might snap a few more shots of it, and save the large originals in case you decide to make a Ricordia-covered greeting card. :inlove:
Finally got a decent pic, still figuring out the macro, manual focus on the new cam,

Finally got a decent pic, still figuring out the macro, manual focus on the new cam,

The mouth just split, if you look behind the mouth you can see you can see the smaller green mouth behind it.


I got some yellow Ricordea about a month ago, they are starting to look really good in my tank.


OK, so I just found this forum, and I spent like an hour looking through this whole thread, pausing to wipe drool off the keyboard and the nose prints off of the monitor. I am stunned by the beauty of your animals, and by the skill and quality of your photography!! I am really interested in knowing if there is an 'idiots guide to ricordia propagation' anywhere?
mclva123 said:
OK, so I just found this forum, and I spent like an hour looking through this whole thread, pausing to wipe drool off the keyboard and the nose prints off of the monitor. I am stunned by the beauty of your animals, and by the skill and quality of your photography!! I am really interested in knowing if there is an 'idiots guide to ricordia propagation' anywhere?

Keeping it simple, you want a stable tank with water parameters that match natural sea water as closely as possible.

Ricordias need good lighting, and by that I mean PC, VHO or MH.

You can target feed them with pellet food, and they will grow more quickly. If you just get one and it does well, in a few months you'll have a few. :D
Just a couple of pics I took today. After a tank change, my new setup has only been running for a few months so don't mind the algae.
