Alan's 300g Marineland DD Reef

How are your yellow tangs doing? I have 5 in my QT tank now. In another month they should be ready to go into the display.
The 5 yellow tangs are doing pretty well. I've seen a little aggression at times between two of them, but nothing major and I haven't seen any aggression towards other fish. Sometimes they split up and do their own thing and other times they group up and swim together (with the blue hippo and desjardini). I think they're really interesting to watch.

very nice ,so beautiful

wish I had a 300 DD
I love the dimensions of the tank. The extra depth gives me a nice little open sandbed area and plenty of spots for mounting SPS. At least for the time being :)
Auto top off

Auto top off

I got my auto top off set up the other day. It's a gravity-fed system with a float valve in the sump. Same system as my previous 180g, but this one will be fed by the 100g stock tank instead of a trash can. The RO/DI water is stored in my top 100g stock tank, so I drilled out a hole on the bottom and put in a 1/4" push connect bulkhead.




I received my Apex controller unit from Reef Geek this week too. The pH probes are on back order, so I'll use the old ones until those come in. I haven't hooked it up and mounted it yet, but I did plug it in to check it out.





I've been thinking about getting one of these, only down side is they dont include a port for salinity on the controller, unless i'm wrong.... Its another controller u have to add on.
That looks awesome. I'll be getting one of those too when I can afford it.
Thanks. I still need to finish setting it up, but the XML export options are nice. I'd like to try tying it into the Google Charts API and make a web-based graph/log page.

I've been thinking about getting one of these, only down side is they dont include a port for salinity on the controller, unless i'm wrong.... Its another controller u have to add on.
I think that's correct. It looks like you need an additional module (PM2?) to monitor the conductivity/salinity.
Sepia bandensis!!!

Sepia bandensis!!!

I just got an order of Sepia bandensis hatchlings and eggs! They are drip acclimating now and will go in a temporary tank with a breeding net box. Once they are a little bigger they will be moved to a larger (37g-65g?) tank. This tank will sit out in the living room area and will be plumbed into the main system through the wall. I'll get some pics taken of this area and post later. Rich Ross gave a presentation on cephs about a month ago and got me interested in the dwarf cuttlefish.

Here is a video of the hatchlings and eggs. There were two hatchlings shipped and 5 eggs. One of them hatched during shipping.
Nice build you have going. I'm looking at the same tank with a basement fish room. I have the same controller and ran it on my 215, it is awsome. I recommend the Apex to everyone that is looking for a controller. Watching the progress, keep up the nice work.
I just got an order of Sepia bandensis hatchlings and eggs! They are drip acclimating now and will go in a temporary tank with a breeding net box. Once they are a little bigger they will be moved to a larger (37g-65g?) tank. This tank will sit out in the living room area and will be plumbed into the main system through the wall. I'll get some pics taken of this area and post later. Rich Ross gave a presentation on cephs about a month ago and got me interested in the dwarf cuttlefish.

Here is a video of the hatchlings and eggs. There were two hatchlings shipped and 5 eggs. One of them hatched during shipping.
I had another cuttle hatch this weekend, so there are now 4 hatchlings and 4 eggs. They seem to swim around the first day, then not as active after that. I also picked up a 50g tank (36"x18"x18") last night. This will be the home for the cuttles once I get a stand built. For rockwork, I'm thinking about doing something a little bit more dramatic. Possibly using acrylic rods and doing 3 rock pillars in there. I still need to get some pics of where this is going.

Also, my pH probes should be here today.
For rockwork, I'm thinking about doing something a little bit more dramatic. Possibly using acrylic rods and doing 3 rock pillars in there.

Let me know when you get started with this as I plan on doing the same very soon (my dryrock is fully "cooked"). I think I have delusions of grandeur with what I will be able to do with acrylic rods/epoxy my first time through. I do believe I balance rocks with the best of them though :smokin: :D
the wife and I are coming out your way soon - mind if we come by?
PM sent

Let me know when you get started with this as I plan on doing the same very soon (my dryrock is fully "cooked"). I think I have delusions of grandeur with what I will be able to do with acrylic rods/epoxy my first time through. I do believe I balance rocks with the best of them though :smokin: :D
Will do. I've got quite a few small-medium pieces in my sump now. I'm planning on laying those out on a plastic sheet and trying to piece together a few pillars. Once I get them stacked I'll take a shot at drilling a hole for the acrylic rod. Do you have any good threads on the acrylic rod technique? I haven't started researching yet.
I received my shipment of mysid shrimp from Sachs Aquaculture today. I'm planning on setting up a culture tank, so most of them will go in there.

Another cuttle hatched last night. I'm up to 5 now, so I'm happy with how they are turning out. Also, lots of activity swimming around today. They usually just hang out in one spot, but 4 of them were actively cruising around and showing off their color changes. I put a few mysid shrimp in there to feed on.

I didn't get a chance last night, but I plan on getting some pics and maybe another video of the cuttles posted tonight.
PM sent

Will do. I've got quite a few small-medium pieces in my sump now. I'm planning on laying those out on a plastic sheet and trying to piece together a few pillars. Once I get them stacked I'll take a shot at drilling a hole for the acrylic rod. Do you have any good threads on the acrylic rod technique? I haven't started researching yet.

Here's one;

It's prop-frags, and I really like what he did. If I remeber right the key to his success was plenty of wine.

Being that I will be using smaller pieces, I may try to go sans acrylic rods and just use glue/expoxy. I've been doing some research lately to find the best epoxy out there but really haven't reached any conclusions. One idea I had was to use aquarium-safe silicone adhesive to bond the rocks, then filling in voids with epoxy. This would probably be a slower, one piece at a time, process as cure time may be longer. Anyone hear of someone doing this before?

Here is another (probably one of my favorite aquascapes I've seen);
Here's one;

It's prop-frags, and I really like what he did. If I remeber right the key to his success was plenty of wine.

Being that I will be using smaller pieces, I may try to go sans acrylic rods and just use glue/expoxy. I've been doing some research lately to find the best epoxy out there but really haven't reached any conclusions. One idea I had was to use aquarium-safe silicone adhesive to bond the rocks, then filling in voids with epoxy. This would probably be a slower, one piece at a time, process as cure time may be longer. Anyone hear of someone doing this before?

Here is another (probably one of my favorite aquascapes I've seen);
Looks like I need to get some acrylic/fiberglass rods and test it out in combination with zip ties and epoxy. One of my first thoughts was a base for the bottom of the rod, but I guess the bottom rock will hold the rest of the structure there.

Are you trying to culture live mysids?
Yes, I'd like to. At least to some degree. From what I've read, it seems like it takes a lot of space and time. However, my last two aquariums had tons of them running around and I didn't do anything special like a refugium for them. I would basically like to have a separate tank for amphipods/copepods and another for mysid shrimp. Any thoughts on culturing the shrimp?