Here are a few pics of the skimmer and return plumbing area:
- 1.5" return all the way to the DT
- Used spa flex as much as possible
- Union valves used on intake/output of the return pump
- Had to use two 22.5 degree elbows on the pump's intake to compensate for height and angle difference coming out of the sump's bulkhead
- Return pump needed to be turned down quite a bit, so I wasn't too worried about the loss of flow from the extra fittings
- 1.5" all the way to the surge valve to reduce friction loss
- Surge valve is plumbed with a 3/4" bushing in case it's need in the future. It has a 3/4"-1/2" bushing and 1/2" ball valve now
- Over-the-top fitting spray painted with black Krylon Phusion
- 1/2" ball valve next to skimmer is for the calcium reactor
- Skimmer is fed directly from the closest drain and has a 1" ball valve inline
Skimmer stand (Before valves and splits)
Return pump
Skimmer is running! (Calcium reactor will go next to/behind it)
Plumbing - showing the CSD feed line
Surge device valve
Over-the-top return line into DT