Alan's 300g Marineland DD Reef

what kinda fish? or are you one of those teaser types.

Here is the current plan for my fish list:

(6) Yellow Tangs (Zebrasoma flavescens) - Already have
(1) Naso Tang (Naso lituratus) - Needed
(1) Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus) - Already have
(1) Blue Hippo Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) - Already have
(1) Mimic Eibli Tang (Acanthurus tristis) - Needed

(1) McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri) - Needed
(1) Blue Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus cyaneus) - Needed
(1) Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus) - Needed
(1) Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) - Needed
(1) Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus) - Considering one of these

(2) Misbarred Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) - Already have
(2) Black Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) - Needed

(1) Purple Queen Anthias (Pseudanthias tuka) - Already have
(1) Orange Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) - Already have

(1) Blue Spot Jawfish (Opistognathus rosenblatti) - Needed later
(1) Yellow Clown Goby (Gobiodon okinawae) - Already have
(2) Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora) - Already have
(1) Diamond Goby (Valenciennea puellaris) - Needed later

(~25) Blue/Green Reef Chromis (Chromis viridis) - Already have(2) Bangaii Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) - Already have
(1) Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) - Needed later
what are you planning to use to keep the wrasse's in the tank? window screen frame- bird netting...DIY top?

love the fish list tho. i really like how a large group of yellow tangs looks in a big tank.
Here is the current plan for my fish list:

(6) Yellow Tangs (Zebrasoma flavescens) - Already have
(1) Naso Tang (Naso lituratus) - Needed
(1) Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus) - Already have
(1) Blue Hippo Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) - Already have
(1) Mimic Eibli Tang (Acanthurus tristis) - Needed....

I love it! Just like opening a fresh pack of Topps back in the day... got 'em, got 'em, need 'em, got 'em.

Did you see the pair of blue spots The Fish Store had awhile back? Cool little guys, can't wait to see this thing come to fruition!
what are you planning to use to keep the wrasse's in the tank? window screen frame- bird netting...DIY top?

love the fish list tho. i really like how a large group of yellow tangs looks in a big tank.
That's the other thing I'm debating now. Either acrylic sheets to cover the top or 1/4" plastic mesh netting like this:

I should be able to keep the jumpers in the tank with either method. The acrylic sheets will keep my T5 reflectors clean though. Once those things are stained and potted, you can't clean them up very well. I'll be getting new reflectors, so I want this in place to keep them performing like new. The question is how much PAR is lost with acrylic sheets and how much is lost with stained reflectors. I've been told that "high-grade, optically clear acrylic" will lose less than 5% PAR. That's good news, but I'm afraid that the acrylic will accumulate more salt spray being closer to the water than a reflector would and need to account for that. However, I might be able to get the T5s closer to the water if there is a shield there and make up some of the lost PAR.

On the other hand, I don't think the stained reflectors really lose as much PAR as I originally thought. Going with the netting, I could keep the lamps at 4" and start without PAR loss. Over time, I could slowly lose a little PAR as the reflectors get stained. If it's only 5-10%, then it might not even be worth worrying about since I would lose that instantly with the acrylic. I've also been told that the older Tek2 reflectors didn't have as good of material as the newer Tek2s and Miro-4 reflectors. I have the older Tek2s, so that's promising that the newer stuff holds up better.

The more I type and think about this, the more I'm leaning towards the 1/4" netting with no reflector shielding.

Thats a very nice stock list.

I love it! Just like opening a fresh pack of Topps back in the day... got 'em, got 'em, need 'em, got 'em.

Did you see the pair of blue spots The Fish Store had awhile back? Cool little guys, can't wait to see this thing come to fruition!
I didn't see those. I did see the black clowns in their front display, but of course they're not for sale :sad2:
I would go with the net, better O2 flow, won't hold in any heat and it will keep your fish in. I built one for my tank and it seems to work very well.
i used the bird netting...cant remember the brand name...but it was the flexible stuff. i think it's .5" so i doubled it up and my mccoskers still got out. from the picture that stuff almost looks rigid. where can you pick that up and whats it called?
Love the fish list! How do you have your 300 stock tank plumbed? How often do you do a water change? I need to set up a 100 gallon for my current tank. Do you just run like a closed loop for flow and a skimmer?
I would go with the net, better O2 flow, won't hold in any heat and it will keep your fish in. I built one for my tank and it seems to work very well.
That's what I've decided on. I wasn't as concerned with heat and O2 exchange, since I have the large surface area of the 300g stock tank. However, if the acrylic is 5-10% loss, then I might as well just go open net.

i used the bird netting...cant remember the brand name...but it was the flexible stuff. i think it's .5" so i doubled it up and my mccoskers still got out. from the picture that stuff almost looks rigid. where can you pick that up and whats it called?
I've heard that about jumpers from a few other people with 1/2" netting or eggcrate. It's hard to believe they can jump through it even at that size, so hopefully 1/4" should solve that problem. The material is thin plastic strands and is only semi-rigid. I got mine from a local reefer, but the pic I posted was from here:

Love the fish list! How do you have your 300 stock tank plumbed? How often do you do a water change? I need to set up a 100 gallon for my current tank. Do you just run like a closed loop for flow and a skimmer?
Thanks. The 300g stock actually sits partially underneath the stand. Plumbing is not done, but will just be four 1" drains (using all 4 holes as drains, instead of 2 drains/2 returns). Since the DT is right above the stock tank, I should be able to drop them down with just a few slight 45 elbows on one side. The other side will feed my skimmer and then continue down to the sump. For return, I will have spa flex from the Reeflo Dart to an over-the-top "u-tube" built with a couple 90 elbows. It will all be 1.5" from pump to outlet. No SCWD, splits, or wave devices planned at this time. I'm planning on doing semi-monthly water changes. For flow, I am running a pair of Hydor Koralia Magnum 8s, no closed loop. The skimmer (Super Reef Octopus 5000 External) will be plumbed on the right side of the tank and will rest on a multi-level stand that I am building.

Alan, sweet set up -- can you tell me a source for the netting?
Check this place out:
A few updates...

I built a catwalk for the new tank. It was a little trickier fitting it around the stock tank, but works pretty well. I had to notch out a few parts of the rear vertical 2x6 where the rim of the stock tank was.





And the hinged platform...


I need to put a coat of primer on, two coats of paint, and then should be done with the catwalk.
For the top of the platform, I'll be mixing in some of this anti-skidding additive:

I moved all the bleached live rock that was cycling in the 100g stock tank into the display tank. I'll let it finish cycling here and should be easier to manage a
single cycling tank, instead of keeping them separate.


Also, I am having three frames built for the 1/4" netting tops tomorrow.
wow! looks great so far! have you decided on the back glass yet? now that i look at it, i dont know if tint would be the best bet. you'd prly be able to see the 400w thru it, even with you DT lights on.
wow! looks great so far! have you decided on the back glass yet? now that i look at it, i dont know if tint would be the best bet. you'd prly be able to see the 400w thru it, even with you DT lights on.
I'll probably do some sort of panel attached with velcro. I would like to be able to pull it off and see what's going on behind the rocks. Something that I wasn't able to do on my last tank with it being painted.
I put in my lighting order from Reef Geek. I ordered (9) 80" LET/AquaIllumination Miro-4 reflectors and the following lamps:

(5) ATI Blue Plus
(2) ATI Aquablue Special
(2) GE 6500K
(2) KZ Fiji Purple

Grim recommended getting those 11 lamps and try out a few different combinations, but I'm not sure what I want to start with yet. I know I'll need to alternate Blue+ lamps in every other slot, so that narrows it down a bit.

I was thinking about starting with this:

Ballast 1: Blue+
Ballast 3: ATI Aquablue Special
Ballast 2: Blue+
Ballast 3: GE 6500K
Ballast 1: Blue+
Ballast 2: KZ Fiji Purple
Ballast 2: Blue+
Ballast 3: ATI Aquablue Special
Ballast 1: Blue+

With the lighting schedule like this:
Ballast 1: 11am - 11pm (3 ATI Blue+)
Ballast 2: 11:30am - 10:30pm (2 ATI Blue+, 1 KZ Fiji)
Ballast 3: 12pm - 10pm (2 ATI ABS, 1 GE)

or if I wanted to go with a combo based on 4 Blue+ lamps, maybe this?
ABS | Blue+ | GE | Blue+ | KZ Fiji | Blue+ | GE | Blue+ | ABS
Where did you get the frames done?

I believe QP on 48th and holdredge will build custom size frames, it's really easy though if you wanted to do it yourself. I've also got the roller for the rubber material that keeps the screen in if you guys need it - no need to waste that extra $5!
Where did you get the frames done?
I believe QP on 48th and holdredge will build custom size frames, it's really easy though if you wanted to do it yourself. I've also got the roller for the rubber material that keeps the screen in if you guys need it - no need to waste that extra $5!

I tested out a DIY kit from Menards, but the metal frame pieces bowed out. After I cut them to length I had to keep pushing them together to get it to sit on the tank. I figured I would just trim another 1/4" off them, so I wouldn't have to worry about the bowing. I pulled one corner out and all the other plastic corners snapped off :mad: I'm not sure if the frames are usually that bowed, but those plastic corners are junk. I actually called QP and talked to them about building me a frame and they said they could. I went in the next day, but the framing guy was not there and the other two guys were total a--holes. I will not go back there. I just need to find some metal corners and that should take care of it.
Unfortunately, the past week or so has not been very good. Actually, really bad. I lost all of my fish, including my Sohal :(
One of the fish that was added had something that spread to the rest, but I'm still not sure exactly what happened. I had the classic signs of crypt, but I lost quite a few of them pretty fast. Not sure if something else contributed. I set up a QT tank for the Eiblii tang and McCoskers wrasse, but it was with system water and a piece of live rock. I didn't realize that the crypt was in that tank until after I set up the QT and added those two fish. I got the Eiblii on Tuesday evening and he was dead by Thursday night, the wrasse the next day. The sohal was also covered in spots, so I put him in QT and was running hyposalinity. He was looking a lot better, swimming around more, and was eating the last 2 days. I checked on him this morning and he was gone.

My blue hippo actually showed up in the 300g stock tank (at the time I noticed the Sohal having problems). The stock tanks were only about a foot or so away and both of my hippos have jumped recently in the past, so I assume he jumped over. (That tank had been partially covered with eggcrate, but not completely and not at all times)

So.... now I'm letting the tank run fallow for 2 months. I been doing a lot of research on parasites/QT lately and jd has helped me with a lot of questions. I'll be running all new fish (without special needs) in a QT for a month before adding them so I can observe and boost their health. Something that I should have been doing from the beginning.

The display tank is going through a diatom bloom now, so it should be getting close to the end of the cycle. I haven't had any time to really work on anything else with all the fish issues going on. This week is going to be pretty busy and I have stuff going on this weekend, so I need to put things off until the following week.