Alan's 300g Marineland DD Reef

One thought... I don't know how long you let the silicone cure before adding the water but I would wait 2 weeks for the cure... if you are still running the same water that you had then with minimal water changes I would add fish slowly to see if it is still toxic... (if it was ever toxic) I don't know just a though.
For the overflow chambers, I siliconed (nothing too thick) and then put fans on each corner for a couple days to make sure it cured. I think 24-48 hours is standard, with fans speeding it up and excess silicone slowing it down. I still have a few more weeks for the fallow period, so I won't be able to add any fish until then.

I did get some fish ordered today and will be QTing them for the next month or so as soon as they get here. My QT systems consist of two 20g long tanks, three 10g tanks, and a 50g Rubbermaid stock tank. The first 20g QT tank currently has 2 yellow tangs and 2 purple firefish.
I heard about 2 months ago of someone putting together their sump with silicone and only waiting 48 hours... killed all their fish... they couldn't be 100% sure that was the problem but they couldn't figure out any other reason. Silicone is toxic and for future reference I would wait at least a week... with fans and not too thick of silicone... (in my mind a week of waiting is better then losing a week of wages in fish) I'm not saying it's the reason your fish died but I would say for anyone who is reading this thread to consider giving your silicone work plenty of time before adding it to your fish water system (a thing that can help if you can't wait very long is to put some activated carbon in your filtration system as it will help to take out the toxic chemicals). You might want to run a little carbon in your system between now and when you add your fish. Just in case...
I heard about 2 months ago of someone putting together their sump with silicone and only waiting 48 hours... killed all their fish... they couldn't be 100% sure that was the problem but they couldn't figure out any other reason. Silicone is toxic and for future reference I would wait at least a week... with fans and not too thick of silicone... (in my mind a week of waiting is better then losing a week of wages in fish) I'm not saying it's the reason your fish died but I would say for anyone who is reading this thread to consider giving your silicone work plenty of time before adding it to your fish water system (a thing that can help if you can't wait very long is to put some activated carbon in your filtration system as it will help to take out the toxic chemicals). You might want to run a little carbon in your system between now and when you add your fish. Just in case...

I don't understand why you keep posting about silicone curing. The fish that passed were not in a system with curing silicone, nor will the new fish. I'm sure this information is helpful for some lurkers out there, but I really, really, don't understand why you keep posting about it?
He had to make some repairs on his tank and then only waited 24-48 hours before adding water. (the repairs that he did were with the overflows)
The repairs were done on the inside of the overflows, so no water is touching the curing (now cured) silicone.

I see your point though, thanks for clarifying.
A few updates...


In this picture you can see the water touching the new silicone.
In this picture you can see the water touching the new silicone.
I did put silicone on the outside of the chamber to help seal it. The product I used was Dow Corning 732 Multi Purpose Sealant (sent from Marineland). It lists a cure time of 24 hours. I got the silcone on Monday and sealed it, then didn't add any water until that weekend (It was the week I was really sick and didn't do much). The RO water was being produced in separate trash cans/stock tanks, so it had 4-5 days of curing time with fans blowing on it non-stop before water was added. I'm pretty confident that it was fully cured. The DT was not plumbed into the rest of the system at that point, so the fish issue was unrelated. It is a good point though, as I've seen other reefers who have experienced toxicity issues with uncured silicone.
Here are a few pics of the progress:

I think it's going to be difficult to see the depth of the tank until I get some livestock in there. You can't really see it from the FTS, but the rock structure tapers back about 2.5 feet.

FTS *Rockwork on the right side still needs a little work

Storage Tanks

Storage Tank Plumbing

Fish Room

Here is where the skimmer, calcium reactor, and CSD will go:

Something like this:
Man looking at your set-up it looks sweet! I like the rock work. I'm probably about 2-3 months behind you with my build... Possibly longer. (Ya I doubt it after 5 days it killed your fish... I thought it was only a day or two that you let it cure.)
Good luck with your new fish... it will be nice to see that beauty of a tank stocked with corals and fish :D
Hey Alan...things are coming along VERY how you stacked and plumbed your storage tanks. Can you provide any details on how your surge device will work? this a DIY type device? What is your timeline for being able to add livestock?
Hey Alan...things are coming along VERY how you stacked and plumbed your storage tanks. Can you provide any details on how your surge device will work? this a DIY type device? What is your timeline for being able to add livestock?
Thanks Jeff. The storage tanks are nice to have with the gravity feed. No more messing with pumps, at least for the refill side now. I also made that 2" PVC end that goes into the sump movable, so it can rotate back and allows me to fill separate containers from the bottom 100g stock tank (ex. 5g bucket for changing QT water). Like this:

My plan is to add all the fish over the July 4th weekend. I'll start moving the corals into the DT as soon as the aquascaping is complete and the surge device is figured out (Don't want to blow everything over).

Jon came over on Saturday to help mess with the surge device. We started with 5g, 10g, and 15g surges using a rubbermaid tote and 2" PVC. This was all dumped into the sump with manually releasing the surge, just to see what it was like. The surge was pretty awesome in those tests, even with the smaller volumes. However, it was a little harder to see in the stock tank. I had an old Lifereef 8-9g acrylic sump from a prior system that was just sitting on the shelf, so I decided to drill it and use it for the surge device on the DT. We built a shelf out of 2x12s to hang from the floor boards and got it set up about 2-3 feet above the tank. The first couple tests were simple drains and released manually when the surge tank was full. The effect was really nice, but there were tons of bubbles. I went ahead and put together a siphon u-tube to automate the surge, but couldn't ever get it to work. Starting from empty, the water would rise up about 1" from the top of the u-tube piece, oscillate for a little bit, then steady out and just sit 1/2 way up the u-tube piece. I'm not 100% sure why it wasn't working, but I suspect that it was because the feed pump wasn't supplying water fast enough to put enough flow/pressure through the u-tube to create the siphon. It basically was just falling over the inside of the u-tube at the same rate as the feed pump. I gave up on messing with it Saturday night and figured I would test out the toilet flush valve method today. I went and picked up a Fluidmaster 507 kit and a float valve. I was able to attach the kit with a 2" threaded adapter into the bulkhead and hooked the float onto the plastic chain. I figured this would be easy to get going, but I also had problems with this setup. The water would rise up and the float would pull the flapper up just enough to create a little gap and let the incoming water flow out. It would just sit there like this with the flapper almost ready to pop open, but leaking water out the gap. Pulling up on the float/chain just a little would make it go, but I could never get it to run automatically :( I'll probably mess with it again this week.

Here is a video:
Wow its looking great, soon you will need some frags in there :)
Yes, the DT has been a refugium for too long :)

Are all the fish still alive?
So far so good. Here is my current stock list of fish that are in QT:

QT #1 - 20g long
(2) Small Yellow Tangs
(2) Purple Firefish

QT #2 - 20g long
(1) Mystery Wrasse
(1) Exquisite Wrasse
(1) Multicolor Lubbocks Wrasse
(1) Melanurus Wrasse
(1) Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse

QT #3 - 50g Rubbermaid stock tank (w/ dividers)
[Section 1]
(1) Small-Medium Powder Blue Tang

[Section 2]
(2) Small-Medium Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish

[Section 3]
(1) Small Blue & Yellow Hippo Tang
(1) Small Blonde Naso Tang
(4) Small Yellow Tangs
(1) Small Desjardini Tang

nice upgrade
I moved the wrasses over from their temporary 10g into the large 20g QT tank and was able to take a few videos.

10g wrasse QT tank
Not much going on in the first part, just moving the PVC (Sorry, didn't want to edit/trim the video). The video is not great, but it does show the wrasses a little better in some aspects than the other videos:

Mystery Wrasse

Melanurus Wrasse

Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse

Lubbocks Wrasse

Exquisite Wrasse

Videos are sick as always. I thought you doing the shuffle behind the stock tank during the surge was pretty slick. I'm excited to see what you guys did the next time I'm over. That was alot of bubbles.

Remember, those reflectors are only loosing a few percent from new ;)