Algae ID?


New member
Need help Identifying this. This is not your standard hair algae, it floats, has no root structure and does not attach to anything.

I received it with my macro caulerpa and it grows like crazy and I remove it weekly or feed the tangs with it.
Hmmm. Two reasons I think it isn't chaetomorpha. First, chaetomorpha is always curly. It doesn't grow outward in random directions. Second, it looks from the picture that there is a main stem and some smaller growth off of it. Chaetomorpha stays consistant.

Can we get a pic from a different angle?

S !
I think I see what Python is looking at...the stuff on the rock? I was looking at the stuff in the clip. Which one needs ID?
Come on guys, I HAVE glasses (well, contacts anyway) and all I did was smash my face up to the monitor for a good look. Plus, half of good ID work is extrapolation (aka, guessing).

Anyway, the new pics are much better. STILL doesn't look like any chaetomorpha I've seen (but I'm not an expert). If I had to guess ;) I'd go with bryopsis, if the tangs weren't eating it. As it is I have no clue.

S !
Aw Python, I'm disappointed. I thought I figured your method out after I posted...I copied the photo, took it into Photoshop, enhanced brightness and color, then realized I didn't know what it is. Have to wait for the heavy hitters like Bill or Ed. I am kinda leaning towards Ulva?
Algae id's can be very tricky without microscopic examination. Especially with some of the filimentous types and the reds. After pulling out my old phycology text my best guess is Cladophora which has a branching structure, wide distribution and is closely related to Chaetomorpha.

Jay, here's picture of Ulva:

Whoa! I gotta find better resources. That picture makes way better sense with the text I read which said it was sheeting. Thanks.
Thanks for everyones opinion :)

Basically I have been using this as a nutrient export because it grows like crazy, way faster then my Calerpa and my tangs love it too :)

I just was curious if anyone else uses it in this fashion?