You can run parallel strings using a CC driver with say 1.5A output, and put a fuse on each string. Match the strings for Vf, and you have a current divider. If one LED blows and you lose a string, the other string will get 1.5A for just long enough for the fuse to blow, saving that whole string.
Thanks again Floyd! I know you recommended series earlier and with your great explanations it's pretty clear that I should go in that route. Furthermore, it seems simple and we have an ohm meter to test each LED in case one goes out.
Here are the specs on the LEDs:
"¢ Forward Voltage: 2.2-2.6V
"¢ Forward Current: 750mA
Will this CV Mean Well LPV-60-48 60W 48V 1.25A work for a series circuit? I can get a higher amperage one if needed. Link to the item in case you need it.