The CFL lit side still growing well! I'm assuming this is what they refer to as '3D' growth.
It's think, with a kinda of honeycomg appearance to it. It also has long stringy bright green growth,
that also gets caught in the cage of a MaxiJet PH I have in the sump to keep the bubbles away from the RP intake.
This is my CFL lit side after ~13 days while it still hangs in the pipe, water flow off for the pic
Here is the bottom thru the sump glass of some of the green stringys
MY LED lit side is also doing well, I'll clean it next week, alternating so each gets cleaned every 2 weeks, one week apart.
** SO, I seem to be getting very similar growth on my screens,
one lit with CFL's
one lit with LED's (30W grow lights)
My CFL side, I really only change the bulbs when they quit working, and they do quit sometimes