Here is the scrubber:
...I took the reflectors off for the photo since they completely obscure the scrubber. They're made from an old cut up spider reflector (basically each pair of CFLs has half a spider reflector behind it.) ...
...Screen is roughly 4" x 10" so I have 40 square inches, should be right on for my feeding rate (3.5 cube equivalents). The CLFs are standard-issue 2700k 23w. So I have 92w total with 46w on each side. Run 8 hours on/16 off opposite main tank lighting. So basically I'm using the "high intensity lighting" update, since it mentions being better for promoting green growth.
... I have 50 gph per inch, which is above the suggestion of 35 gph/in, but again the guideline mentions more flow being better if you're getting spongy yellow growth instead of green growth.
Wille, thanks for the pics. I too would like to see the reflectors while they are installed.
One of the things that I missed in the Basics update was related to the double-lit screen: the caveat to this rule is that all of the light must be directed at the screen, which means your reflector needs to be very efficient. With your setup, it looks like the CFLs might not be quite as close as they can be, the 23W lamps aren't as intense as say 42W so you can get them a little closer when they're sideways, so you might want to look at that.
I'm guessing that the lamps are arranged like they were for the larger screen, and you cut them down (EDIT: you cut the screen down) and left them roughly where they are, and turned the reflectors. Am I right? The problem is like I stated above that you are going to have a difficult time getting the light from the sides and back of the lamps, which are positioned near the edges of the screen, to get directed towards the center of the screen. Basically you're losing a lot of intensity because of the width of the screen in relation to the position of the lamps, even with reflectors. If the reflectors are pointed to the center of the screen, that would mean that the light is directed at an incident angle to the screen, and in theory, this should be fine, since you're running extra wattage, but I think it's pushing the envelope for considering it a double-wattage system for that reason.
You're about right on the double-lit rule (just got the e-mail where you point this out) but if your reflectors aren't quite right, you might have to adjust the feeding or on/off time to compensate a little, and of course this all comes down to GETTING the green algae in the first place :headwally: which we all haven't been able to figure out with you...
One solution here is to up the photoperiod, maybe to 12 or 14 hours to make up for lost intensity due to distance and angle of the lights. Another solution is to use one single 42W CFL on each side with a reflector that directs the light on a perpendicular to the screen, and that is sized to fit the dimensions of the screen more exactly.
I don't think your problem not growing green is related to lack of the correct type of algae in the system, but I'm not ruling it out. So I say go for it if you think it will make a difference, it can't hurt anything, I just wouldn't expect it to be the solution. I think your problem is intensity and photoperiod.
On a side note, I have noticed on my system that I am growing a lot of the yellow gooey stuff and messing with the photoperiod hasn't seemed to change very much, but my screen is still oversized as well. When first started the system, I got awesome green growth for months. When I moved the entire setup, and let the tank go without the scrubber for a week (on 2 separate occasions) the first few weeks to months of growth were awesome, and on each instance (move) the growth slowly progressed to a less green, more yellow type of growth. After the second move I trimmed the screen down at the same time, just to clarify. I am also locked into T5HOs for the lamp length so I lost a little effective intensity by trimming down from 20" wide to 14". But anyways, my point is that it might be possible that as you run a scrubber longer on a tank that has history without one (an established tank), it will take some time to suck out all of the N and P in the rock and substrate, and when that's gone, you are left with an even more oversized scrubber than is required.
I'm waxing a little philosophic here, but I think there is a point to be made with respect to Wille's tank - it has no history at all behind it, there's no N and P soaked into the rock for the scrubber to pull out on startup, so you may have skipped over the progression stage that I have seen and are now it a "food in, algae out" direct relationship. I might have to run this by a few others elsewhere to see if it makes any sense, right now it's just rolling around in my head. It makes sense to me because people that have nasty rock generally need a good 6 months of powerful scrubbing to get past the initial brown/black stages and into the green stage. The natural progression, all other factors being equal (feeding, no trapped dead fish, etc) is that the algae will eventually 'use up' all of the last remaining nutrients is needs to grow at the level it was before, and ends up going yellow. The solution would seem to be that you would start heavy feeding, or downsize the scrubber
even further. If this ends up being the case, that means even the current feeding/sizing guideline would be too big for the long term, which would mean these systems are even better that we all thought.