Brian DeGolier
New member
The Hoove, that's great, I'll keep your design in mind if things don't go so well with my my redesign. What size tank do you have?
The Hoove, that's great, I'll keep your design in mind if things don't go so well with my my redesign. What size tank do you have?
First, what a great thread this is. I've read start to finish and it's been very motivating- big applause for every contributer. I joined RC specifically out of admiration of this thread. So my question is, has anyone done a comparison with traditional vs upflow algae scrubber? I just put a UAS in the sump 6 days ago using an airstone attached to roughened screen. Trying to transition over to scrubber instead of carbon (no debates, just an experiment). I can try to document some results if there's anyone interested in UAS.
OK, noob to ATS here. have had a salt tank for 2 years now. current one is overran by algae after i turned my skimmer off. (tired of all the overflowing)
trying a dump bucket....kinda... style. cost me a total of $18 worth of acrylic and weldon, and have PLENTY of each left. so no loss if this does not work. ill update with progress. when i get home tonight, ill have an updated pic of where it will sit in the sump. hopefully this will work. lol
I have all of my LEDs and started the build today. My question is, what is the ratio of 660nm to 630nm? I've read the recommendation for red to blue is 7:1 but nothing for the red to red ratio. I'm putting (2-3) 420nm in there too. I've been using the 2700k 40watt cfl's and there not growing anything, after 2weeks. The screen is green all over when I clean it but turns brown/black after a few days. My lights are 3.5" away from the screen, are they to close and burning the alage causing it to turn brown/black?
I just rebuilt my skimmer to use the overflow feed instead of a pump (which constantly had to be cleaned or flow would die). My screen is 6 wide by 8 long. I am pushing as much through it as it will take - the slotted tube has an overflow so anything that cant get out the slot goes through a seperate filter.
I was lighting it with 1 23w CFL per side, but have decided to switch to LEDs. I accidentally ordered the 620nm reds.
I feed about 1 cube every 2-3 days.
Am I ok?
I think the 620nm should grow well enough. You should consider feeding at least once a day, but that said, I have no clue what's in your tank... So grain of salt...
A 1 inch maroon clownfish, a mandarin goby, 2 3-4 inch BTAs and then assorted zoa, leathers and LPS, in a 44 pentagon with 8gal fuge, LED lit.
Edit: I do feed every day, but it comes to < 1/2 cube a day.
stevetcg, your screen is pretty large - sized for the tank vs for feeding. How is your growth? More importantly, how does your tank look, and how does the water test?