I haven't seen anyone that makes a small scrubber like that in a waterfall configuration. I understand the time constraint issue for sure! But a small 1/2 to 1 cube/day scrubber would not be too difficult, it might take you an hour here and an hour there.
The CFL route is going to be your quickest and easiest. 5x5 screen and 2 23W floodlight CFLs, a couple of clip-on lamp sockets (no reflectors - built in to the lamp), then all you need is a slot pipe, screen, and a few PVC fittings and a pump (or overflow, but I would recommend a pump, the Eheim Compact 1000 @ $33 and >200 GPH is perfect for 5" screen)
LED will take more DIY/time
The satis LEDs will get it done on the cheap, but then you pay shipping and wait...
IMO Better to get Philips 660s on quality star boards so it will be easier to put together. StevesLEDs or RapidLED, either one and you will be OK. For a 1 cube/day screen (5x5) you would probably want a minimum of 2 LEDs/side, 3 would be better, and a couple of small heat sinks, some LED Seal spray to waterproof the fixtures...you get the point. Good for those with time to tinker, bad for those with kids and no time.