Algae Scrubber Basics

Jacob, yes you can do only LR and scrubber. A 20g tank might be more difficult to maintain than a larger one due to the need to keep parameters in line.

Setting that aside, are you going to have a sump or not? Do you have an idea of how heavily you are going to stock and feed eventually?
Will definitely have a sump and I forgot to mention that I will probably run carbon in some way.

Another question is how cheaply can I get LEDs for the scrubber. I'm really okay with just CFL's but see that everybody is turning to LED for their scrubber.

Thanks Floyd!
Will definitely have a sump and I forgot to mention that I will probably run carbon in some way.

Another question is how cheaply can I get LEDs for the scrubber. I'm really okay with just CFL's but see that everybody is turning to LED for their scrubber.

Thanks Floyd!

If you have a sump, make a waterfall, they have been proven long term.

You can run carbon that's fine also.

LEDs I got from where super cheap, LEDs are far better then CFL and they don't need to be changed every three months... You can see why that everyone is jumping the CFL ship....
If you have a sump, make a waterfall, they have been proven long term.

You can run carbon that's fine also.

LEDs I got from where super cheap, LEDs are far better then CFL and they don't need to be changed every three months... You can see why that everyone is jumping the CFL ship....

I was thinking the same thing with the waterfall, thanks!

What price range am I looking at if I want a premade fixture for a .5-1 cube a day size screen? I know I could diy one but I'm not in a place where that can happen realistically. One year old at home and another on the way. My to-do list is growing daily! We'll see when I have time to piece this tank together :(

anyways... got into a ramble there.... sorry :)

Thanks for any help or suggestions with this!
I haven't seen anyone that makes a small scrubber like that in a waterfall configuration. I understand the time constraint issue for sure! But a small 1/2 to 1 cube/day scrubber would not be too difficult, it might take you an hour here and an hour there.

The CFL route is going to be your quickest and easiest. 5x5 screen and 2 23W floodlight CFLs, a couple of clip-on lamp sockets (no reflectors - built in to the lamp), then all you need is a slot pipe, screen, and a few PVC fittings and a pump (or overflow, but I would recommend a pump, the Eheim Compact 1000 @ $33 and >200 GPH is perfect for 5" screen)

LED will take more DIY/time

The satis LEDs will get it done on the cheap, but then you pay shipping and wait...

IMO Better to get Philips 660s on quality star boards so it will be easier to put together. StevesLEDs or RapidLED, either one and you will be OK. For a 1 cube/day screen (5x5) you would probably want a minimum of 2 LEDs/side, 3 would be better, and a couple of small heat sinks, some LED Seal spray to waterproof the get the point. Good for those with time to tinker, bad for those with kids and no time.
Sorry, let me clarify. I plan to make the ATS myself... I was speaking about the LED lights. If I were to use them, I would need a preassembled fixture.

That looks cool. Is that the right color (the same spectrum you guys use for the most part)?

Also, if i did consider diy led, could I make something similar for less than $23 or two for less than $46?

Well you could get close. But this lamp has a lot more LEDs (they're 1W), it has a mixture of red and blue (a little heavy on the blue IMO but OK) and you don't have to do any work. I've seen a few people use them on screens bigger than 5x5 and they only get growth right in front of the lamp. So they are good for small screens unless you go with multiple lamps.
This is how I'm currently lighting my ATS sceeen (10"W x 22"L) with (9) 660nm, (6) 630nm, (2) 420nm and (2) 455nm all on a MW lpc-35-700. The light is 6.5" away from the screen.

I'm going to place an order to light the other side of my scruber screen. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on how I could improve my light? I'm getting GREAT growth on the screen after only 6 days. I can do almost anything to it, more LEDs, different spectrums? I was thinking about adding 50% more leds to see if there will be better growth.
This is how I'm currently lighting my ATS sceeen (10"W x 22"L) with (9) 660nm, (6) 630nm, (2) 420nm and (2) 455nm all on a MW lpc-35-700. The light is 6.5" away from the screen.

I'm going to place an order to light the other side of my scruber screen. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on how I could improve my light? I'm getting GREAT growth on the screen after only 6 days. I can do almost anything to it, more LEDs, different spectrums? I was thinking about adding 50% more leds to see if there will be better growth.


Get the other side going. Don't add any more yet...
Will do, I should have it up and running sometime late next week. Wednesday will be 7 days of LED algae growth, should I clean it then or should I wait a little longer, maybe 10days?
Will do, I should have it up and running sometime late next week. Wednesday will be 7 days of LED algae growth, should I clean it then or should I wait a little longer, maybe 10days?

Yes clean on Wednesday. Harvesting helps growth...
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I checked my scrubber when I got home from work and when I moved the Cling Wrap, a long piece of algae fell off. It started to growing on the plastic wrap. I decided to clean the screen today, 5 full days of operation. All the algae came off the screen easy without effort but was really dark green. I guess my first reaction is, I thought there would be more. It was a heavy 1/2 cup just shy of 2/3rds or 5 ounces. Is this good, or am I expecting to much?

