As Trueperc stated earlier, he and I both cooked our LR over a five to six month period and ended up with 0 readings for both P and N. That is when we implemented our ATS. This was about 1 and a half years ago. We both perform regular water changes. I do 50 gallons per month on a 180 reef system, 150 gallons actual water volume, or 33% per month.
My P has risen to 0.25 over this time. Trueperc's rose to 2. This weekend I did another 33% water change, siphoned the sand bed, as I always do and get lots of nastry dirt out of it. I also used PhozDown in conjunction with my water change and got my P to 0. My N is down to 20, from about 80 before the water change. My readings come from both API and Salifert. Personally I find API easier to use and read than Salifert. I don't have access to a Hannah Checker, but if Trueperc can find some and let me use them, I will report back.
I hope this is the info you are looking for Floyd. And thanks for all your efforts regarding the ATS. And you as well SRusso.