Will do! Be nice to get a base line before the scrubber kicks in. I have not checked P in a while. Every time I do with a Hanna checker it reads 0. But I still have some algae. (I know its bound up in the algae) No4 is usually around 2-4ppm. I will go run a couple tests now.
Well here is one for you guys. I run Zeovit and started a small .5 cube scrubber 2 days ago. I feed about 2 cubes.
N=0 Red sea pro
P=0ppb Hanna Checker
So it will be interesting to see where this goes now.
I have some algae in the connected frag tank. So my hope is that the scrubber will take care of the algae and Zeo will do the rest. If things go right I could see slowly giving the ATS more and more of the load.