Algae Scrubber Basics

Here you can see the middle area turning yellow because of less flow, because it was full.


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SanraMonica, Turbo and others:

I'm new to ATS and to be honest with 10,000+ posts on this it can be overwhelming. I have a 60g cube with 20g 2 chamber sump underneath. The tank cycled about 3-4 weeks ago and only thing in it besides rock n sand is snails and two bubble tips but adding some coral and a couple clowns next Saturday. Anyway what does everyone think of this scrubber as a low cost scrubber?

I appreciate any help as the funds are not available currently to add the higher end scrubbers.

Thank u

Pretty sure I built mine for around 60$ total. Maybe 100$ with the purchase of a separate pump.
SanraMonica, Turbo and others:

I'm new to ATS and to be honest with 10,000+ posts on this it can be overwhelming. I have a 60g cube with 20g 2 chamber sump underneath. The tank cycled about 3-4 weeks ago and only thing in it besides rock n sand is snails and two bubble tips but adding some coral and a couple clowns next Saturday. Anyway what does everyone think of this scrubber as a low cost scrubber?

I appreciate any help as the funds are not available currently to add the higher end scrubbers.

Thank u
Hey, I made a super cheap ATS in my sump by just putting a screen against the side with a bubble wand underneath and led lights on the other side. So it's similar in operation to one is Santa Monica's HOG filters, but without the plastic covering.

The bubble wand you can get for under $10, the screen I got at a hobby place for a few cents. Then just pick an led grow light for the outside. You can find them for around $20 or less on Amazon.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Hey, I made a super cheap ATS in my sump by just putting a screen against the side with a bubble wand underneath and led lights on the other side. So it's similar in operation to one is Santa Monica's HOG filters, but without the plastic covering.

The bubble wand you can get for under $10, the screen I got at a hobby place for a few cents. Then just pick an led grow light for the outside. You can find them for around $20 or less on Amazon.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Pics? How is the growth?
Floyd, or anyone else with knowledge on this please advise. When cleaning my L2 a few weeks ago (4/1), I think I cleaned it and put it back together but forgot to turn the water on. When I went to clean it on the 15th the screes was bone white and dead. Lights running but no water.
Where should I adjust my lighting period to in order to basically start over.

It must be the week for that, you're the second person that I've heard from this week!

When you cook a screen like that, the white encrusted stuff for some reason doesn't work very well for algae to attach.

You need to soak the screen in straight vinegar for an hour or so, then lightly scrub it to remove the encrusted stuff, then repeat that again (the first soak won't get it all)

Then you can do 1 of 2 things: use the screen as is, or re-apply the mortar coating.

Usually, if you've been running a scrubber for a while, a brand new screen will mature faster than it would if you had never ran a scrubber before (tank is "conditioned" to running a scrubber).

Re-applying the mortar is easy, but you have to let it cure & then soak for a 3-5 days before using it, so that takes about a week to prep.

I'd just vinegar soak, scrub, etc and start it up again. Treat it like a new screen though, so start out at a reduced intensity (50% or so) and ramp it up as the screen matures. For reference, the halfway point on the intensity compared to the 3/4 point is 2x the intensity. Then going to full doubles intensity again. So when you ramp from 3/4 to full, do it gradually over time.
that might just be the grossest growth I've ever seen

I think you need to vinegar soak that...or is that after you did that??
