Floyd R Turbo
Either busy or sleeping
The dead fish happened on or about July 4th, got back late on the 5th and found it stuck to the pump intake and removed it. Cleaned screen on July 6th and it looked like this:
Which was a low harvest week, and P jumped to 0.3 but dropped straight back down in 2 days, N didn't budge. I did change food to another DIY food that was made locally but was older, so different mixture of ingredients (ran out of the other stuff).
The cleaning on the 13th or 14th was huge too, probably about 75% of what it was yesterday. Screen harvests do tend to vary, but something with this last one was just blockbuster. 3D growth tends to exploit the exponential growth capacity of algae, now that I have had the chance to closely monitor growth over the past few months, I have noticed that right around day 4, the bottom of the box is full all the way across. The next day, the second drain starts trickling, and the 3D volume has doubled. By day 6, it's running stronger and the 3D growth has doubled again, then by day 7, it's running full and 3D has just about peaked out (though I haven't let it go much longer). The growth was pretty much right to the pipe this time - by far the most I've ever had. There was also a noticeable lack of brown diatom/slime over sections of the screen as you can see in some other screen harvests like this one
or this one
Which has been pretty typical and it washes away with the hose on the "shower" setting. I had only a couple square inches of that this time. So there may be something different enough with the DIY food difference. I will have to test the N and P again tonight to see where it's at. It is possible that the original DIY food was the contributor of large amounts of P. In putting together another DIY food meeting locally, I have learned that there may have been a missed step in the process - soaking the raw seafood in RO/DI water for at least 1 hour. That or the large amount of pellet food added.
Which was a low harvest week, and P jumped to 0.3 but dropped straight back down in 2 days, N didn't budge. I did change food to another DIY food that was made locally but was older, so different mixture of ingredients (ran out of the other stuff).
The cleaning on the 13th or 14th was huge too, probably about 75% of what it was yesterday. Screen harvests do tend to vary, but something with this last one was just blockbuster. 3D growth tends to exploit the exponential growth capacity of algae, now that I have had the chance to closely monitor growth over the past few months, I have noticed that right around day 4, the bottom of the box is full all the way across. The next day, the second drain starts trickling, and the 3D volume has doubled. By day 6, it's running stronger and the 3D growth has doubled again, then by day 7, it's running full and 3D has just about peaked out (though I haven't let it go much longer). The growth was pretty much right to the pipe this time - by far the most I've ever had. There was also a noticeable lack of brown diatom/slime over sections of the screen as you can see in some other screen harvests like this one
or this one
Which has been pretty typical and it washes away with the hose on the "shower" setting. I had only a couple square inches of that this time. So there may be something different enough with the DIY food difference. I will have to test the N and P again tonight to see where it's at. It is possible that the original DIY food was the contributor of large amounts of P. In putting together another DIY food meeting locally, I have learned that there may have been a missed step in the process - soaking the raw seafood in RO/DI water for at least 1 hour. That or the large amount of pellet food added.