Thanks for the positive comments:fun2:
pterfloth- I know the quality is lousy, its a canon d10 point and shoot which takes a decent video, but once it gets uploaded to photobucket, the quality is lost. I don't know how to get a better quality video up...
The underwater filming is cool, though- again, sorry about the quality:
Thanks, glaukos, you can't beat inspirational- i appreciate the comment!
Thanks henrystyle! I'd love to talk specs!
the tank is 60 in by 42 in deep by 28 high- in wall and built in place. Before I tell you what I use, keep in mind that I sell most of these products in Canada, although, I must say I do think they are all great quality.
I have 6x Giesemann 5 ft pure actinic t5 and 3 x giesemann 5ft actinic plus.
Then, in the front row i have 3x250w de giesemann coral bulbs and behind them i have a row of 3x150w de coral bulbs. And in between the mh fixtures I have 4x 70 w de Giesemann blue mh bulbs.
I have 4 controlled Tunze streams and a Dart gold as a closed loop with the output split between two wavy seas. I also have another large tunze stream on another wavy sea. I love randomized flow..the return from my sump is by a Tunze master recirculater which is also on a wavy sea, so I have a wavy sea in each corner pushing water all over.
I run a Deltec PF 1001 ca reactor and a deltec AP902 skimmer.
The tank is 300 gallons and my sumps (3) have a capacity of 200 gallons.
I have used D-D H2Ocean pro salt from day one (1.5 years for this tank) and like it very much.
I also use Polyp Lab's Reefresh kit for carbon/bacteria/amino dosing.
The tank is basically 1.5 years old but last Christmas (last year) I had to tear down the tank to deal with aefws and red bugs. I lost a huge amount of corals in qt and only put the tank back together last March.
It is only now starting to show great health and growth...