All sps tanks

here's a fts unfortunately, I couldn't clear it up. Sometimes the tank is perfectly clear and sometimes the currents stir it up..

Henrystyle, the wavy sea is almost exactly like a controllable sea swirl. It is more compact though. You can control it for speed and angle of rotation. It will do anything from 360 down to almost stationary.. I think they went under and now there is another company making the same device..
calc, alk mag and ph are 400-420, 7-8dkh, ~1300, 7.8-8 respectively

Am I the only one that keeps coming back and staring at this one?
thanks BPro32- I go stare at it ALL the time!! :)

Henrystyle, the demand in my tank is so huge that my calcium reactor does most of the work and I set it to keep the dkh around 8.
I only do 50 gallon w.c.s at a time (2 or 3 a month)- on a 500 gallon system, that won't really create a jump in dkh.
Also, the last few buckets of h2ocean I have used have mixed closer to 8 than to 10..
here's a shot from top down:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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here's another:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
I hear ya. None of these salt brands are consistant. You never know what numbers your gonna get. This is why its a must that you test your water before you add it to your system.
That can screw everything up really fast.
thanks Chooch1- I have had ten for several months, they are doing so well that I bought another eight.
I feed them about 4 times a day- everything from flake and pelleted dry food in an automatic feeder to cyclop eze and a mix of frozen spirulina brine shrimp, mysis and other store bought frozen foods.
they are doing extremely well and the corals love all the food as well.
BEAUTIFUL TANK, Love everything!!!!!!!!!!!!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
I keep coming back to this thread to see and get inspired. Every time I look there are several TRULY wonderful tanks out there. Makes me very happy to see other reefers out there and the way they display their coral gardens. You guys keep setting the bar higher and higher! I occasionally dive ( would love to go more often but need to work ) and I do have to say that some of these tanks come EXTREMELY close to what is really out there in the REAL world reefs.
Keep up the FANTASTIC work guys!!!