All sps tanks

My almost one year old 120gal.


Awesome tank - just love this thread
please help me understand what is the problem with my acroporas

please help me understand what is the problem with my acroporas

here are my parameters
calcium 440
alk 9-9.7 dKH
mag 1380
nitrates and phosphates undetectable
2x150w MH and 4 actinic 54w t-5s

so i have 3 acros and some frags that came from one larger acro in my 80g mixed reef.everything grows well in the tank except two of the acroporas.after the first few days they lost their polyp extension and the colors from the growing tips.i tried placing them in different places in the tank with no success.i know its difficult to guess what might be the problem as there are possibly a million reasons for this.Any idea from where i should start trouble shooting?i must say that the rest of the acroporas in the tank grow like weeds.Thanks in advance for any information
Here are 3 shots of our new 210. I couldn't get one good closeup. Still learning with the camera too. Can't wait til next year.


