almighty bangia farmers of new york


Active member
How do you sex them as in M or F I had a pair that were friendly but the one passed yesterday. yeas they are young but how do tell?
thanks GUY RI GARY and others.... this is only 1 fish 2 pix
I have a mated pair, and just had another batch of fry this week, I've been told that its in the shape of the jaw that's it's easiest to distinguish them. The male has a more squared off and massive jaw than the female. I've also heard that males tend to have longer dorsal fins, but both my male and female seem pretty close in size of finnage.

If I had to guess, (an educated one, but a guess none the less) I'd say this one looks like a male.
I'll be honest: even I have a very difficult time distinguishing males from females. I usually add another fish and see what happens.
Hard to say... I've done well determining the sax of Banggai when I see both fish side-by-side.

Many folks say there is no way to determine Banggai sex, others claim the jaw is more square on the male and I've seen info indicating the dorsal fins on a male are longer.

I bet I can guess with a 50/50 shot of being correct. :rolleyes:
I'll say female...

I would offer my opinion but I have to add a fish to a tank with a known male before I can make a guess. For juveniles I can't tell the difference even in person.