Alternative to flame angel?


New member
Well...I finally had my wish come true of getting a flame angel from TorryRX and well he may have not bothered coral in her tank but this guy seems to love pecking at my monti caps, plate coral, open brains... etc etc...

He is not devistating them but he is stressing them to the point that some polyps do not extend out and it's ****ing me the hell off.. I love this fish and I wouldn't mind the trade off if it was only messing with one coral but he is having a 5 course meal in small increments at the expense of some nice peices.

Any other fish besides angels or tangs that like to graze algae or rocks ?

thanks folks,

Man...that sucks!!! I didn't have any of those corals in his original tank except for the occasional monti cap, but I always wound up moving caps to the big tank.

I really hate to hear that he's turned into such a PITA.

Maybe you could try a foxface...they eat algae like crazy and are about as reef-safe as it gets.

Damn, I really wish that it had turned out better.

Torry its me I really want this guy badly but not at the risk of several corals...if it was just one or 2 I would make the exception but this guy is kicking *** all over the and he eats like a pig... he eats frozen prepped, pellets, seaweed strips, and plus whatever he decides to feast on in the tank.

Its all good though... I wouldnt mind the foxface but I think he would crowd up the scene and hit my bioload a bit hard..

My large species is a blue throat along with almost a full grown snow flake eel... those 2 are a nice hit on bioload as it is already even though I have a 90... Along with that is a hawkfish which isnt to bad imo considering his size and a golden hamlet...which is a MAJOR pig and shows his true relation to groupers when it coomes time to eating large chunks of food.

We'll see how it goes. Thank again though Torry! BTW how is that frag doing?

It's doing very well, thans again! Color looks fabulous under my lights, and it hasn't nipped at a single coral! :D
yeah the lmb is very good with it but about the red headed stepchild.... ugly as sin even though I know they have lots of personality... I may just keep sticking it out after all with the angel...