An addicted reefer chic's 40B franken tank w/ 2 30g display macro tanks...

I'm not hitting on you by any means, but chicks who dig reptiles or fish seem to be hard to find, but when you do, they are pretty cool.... I fix whatever needs to be fixed I'm our house as well..... Sound like a nice woman....

It's ok...didn't think that you were...that's where my coolness ends...I despise rodents/reptiles...frogs are cool but I'm completely terrified of snakes, rats, mice...pretty much nothing else scares me.

LOL I didnt notice i was in the personals section again! :hammer:

Im patiently waiting for someone to write "show us a photo of your wrasse!" :lol2: :rollface:

Lmfao...don't worry you're not...I'm completely taken...I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world...I just can't talk reef with him and that's his only downside I'm here for reef buddies only. lol
Show us a photo of your wrasse!

Sure...I hope my "tanga$$e counts...rotfl


Hahahahahaha... I get it now.... I should probably take the short bus from now on! Lolz did take you a minute to catch onto Something must've been in the baby formula with your am I. I tease my daughter all the time about how long it takes her to catch onto stuff and she's an honor roll student.
Very nice tank! Also like the mantis/refugium idea . . . I wonder if you could arrange the sump (either on your setup, or in general) where most of it is covered but the refugium area is open. I remember someone with a wooden stand where one of the doors had the bottom 6" cut off (so the 2 doors didn't match) but that space matched up with the refugium with had some aquascaping.

I aspire to have a clean, modern looking tank when I set up my next tank (still in planning stages).

Glad to hear that your kids are interested, too . . . a fun, educational, and rewarding hobby in my opinion.
something alot of reefers here can relate too :debi:

Yeah...trying to tell him something that happened with the tank...I get the blank stare with the idgaf face...but then he thinks I'm supposed to make all this effort into the crap he's interested in...pfffffft.

Very nice tank! Also like the mantis/refugium idea . . . I wonder if you could arrange the sump (either on your setup, or in general) where most of it is covered but the refugium area is open. I remember someone with a wooden stand where one of the doors had the bottom 6" cut off (so the 2 doors didn't match) but that space matched up with the refugium with had some aquascaping.

I aspire to have a clean, modern looking tank when I set up my next tank (still in planning stages).

Glad to hear that your kids are interested, too . . . a fun, educational, and rewarding hobby in my opinion.

Yeah...I was thinking of trying to build some type of "skin" so to speak for the tank stand of the 40B with just a cutout of the fuge area...was debating between black acrylic/wood.

When I win the lotto I'm totally gonna build a house around a will be ginormous and amazing...and I will have little minions to do the stuff I don't like (scraping the glass/emptying the skimmer)

I enjoy it most with my middle 10 year old son...he's my nerdy one and it's an amazing feeling to share with him and see his excitement. He tells his friends/class all about it. He and I even go to the local frag swaps together. My youngest is 8 and he's my baby...doesn't want to share me with anyone and is a jerk, a bully and an all around So he's the one that's least interested, but every once in a while he'll stare at the tanks and show momentary interest...hopefully he'll come around when he gets older.

Here's my doggie Big Boy...


And my "catfish" Mr. Bigglesworth...yes...he's sleeping in an empty tank...lmao


Your set up/ Corals/Mantis look good, and yes tidying up all those wires is not on my to do list either...ja,ja,ja. I salute all those Reefers that got it right......... right from scratch.
It's awesome of you to throw that offer out to those in NY who are without power. Awesome to see niceness is country wide.
It's awesome of you to throw that offer out to those in NY who are without power. Awesome to see niceness is country wide.

It's really nothing...imagine how you would feel watching your tank slowly go down go down in flames...that and my love of this hobby is why I'm offering. There are people dumpster diving for food in Manhattan. It's crazy. I just wish there was more I could do to reach these people.
Nice set up, subscribed!

Thank you!

Also, there is a reefer in Freeport, LI that desperately needs help...he has no power and has already lost a large amount of livestock...if you are in the area and can help...please pm me! He was desperate to the point that he was going to try to bring livestock all the way to me...but with the gas shortages it's just not!!:sad1::worried2:
My daughter is a hater of my algae blenny (she tells me how ugly he is every time she sees him), but I get to fall asleep every night to this adorable lil' face staring at me... :huh:


He's always watching


Kermie says "I'm watching you!" lol


Red Scooter takes cuteness to the next level... :happy:


The whole crew came to say GN...the A.B. is hiding somewhere in the rocks...

Nice pictures! Corals looking great

Thank you! :spin1: If you know of anyone that suffered losses in the area, I'm willing to frag anything I have that they need to help them restock. I know I don't have that much compared to those with large tanks, but I think every little bit will help these guys rebuild!
My daughter is a hater of my algae blenny (she tells me how ugly he is every time she sees him), but I get to fall asleep every night to this adorable lil' face staring at me... :huh:

My starry blenny is my favorite fish by far. My wife went from, "Weird", to "Scary", to "Cute", in about 3 weeks. :lmao:

You've got a nice system and the help you're providing is inspirational. Great thread!
What a bunch of Hypocrites, if this wasn't a good looking woman, EVERY one of you would be attacking her for having a Yellow Tang in a 40B, but as it is, not 1 mention of it, unbelievable. I personally don't recommend or condemn people for this, but I am certainly in the minority. BTW OP, you do have a very nice DT & set up.