And they're here---sideways.


Staff member
RC Mod
What part of 'This side up" does Fedex not get? The 'live animals' label did not give them a clue?

I have about three detached mushrooms on an order of five specimens. I can get these to reattach, with some careful handling. Like laying their rock on top of them in a calm area of the sump.

A piece of the zoa rock broke off. But that happens.

And Live Aquaria packed them with ice to send them into 50 degree temps in WA state, which may have been a good idea or not.

But---we're underway.They're alive.
It had a soggy edge, but the bags are, thank goodness, intact. LA stuffed an extra piece of plastic bag into the bags, too, to try to keep the specimens from moving too much, which is good.

I have to make get to an appointment. I've dealt with 2 bags with no wild shrooms. Will go for the problematic ones and either rubber=band them or lay a light rock on them to get them to crawl up the rock and attach. The zoas are already responding to, like, warmth.
Maybe a Tupperware with some holes untill they settle?
May the odds be in your favor

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Well, back from my appointment, and I got the rest of them run through. They're well-populated pieces of rubble, nice: I'm happy with what I've got. Turned out to have two discosomas and three ricordeas gone loose, so I got some little white ramekins (sauce bowls) from the kitchen, picked some nice rubble from my sump rubble pile, put them in the ramekins, with water to the rim, and recovered the strays, two discosomas, one green, one spotted, on one piece of branch, and the three bullseye ricordeas on a dish-shaped rock in another ramekin. I've left them on the shelf under the moderate lights, and hope they take hold so I can put dish and all into the sump tonight. If they won't attach, I have other tricks, (like a rubber band or laying a very light rock on them, but one of the discosomas looks to be unfolding, and the ricordeas are flat and not that far from attaching. So...they're in the open area of the sump, with no place to hide if more get loose, and I'm hoping they'll settle overnight. They've got the next 6 hours to bask and relax before lights-out.