Anemones with mesh-wrapped powerheads?

Orm Embar

New member
I have a 32 gallon tank (Red Sea Reefer 170) with a return and a Jebao powerhead (wave mode) high up on one wall. I'm considering getting a bubble tip anemone.

My understanding is that they detach and float around the tank if they are unhappy, and that there are numerous reports of them getting stuck on powerheads and chewed up. Some people will wrap their powerheads in mesh or sponge of some type to try to prevent this from happening; mesh may have less clogging from what I've read.

How well do mesh wraps actually work in practice? I've seen designs using #7 plastic craft mesh and am wondering if it's worth it, or if having an anemone (especially a bubble tip) is simply a gamble.
I gamble. Adding mesh or sponges to a powerhead means it needs to be cleaned regularly. And I use Gyers and Crossflows so I really can even do that.

If the RBTA is happy, they tend to stay put for long periods of time, sometimes permanently. But if one starts to move at all, add the mesh. In my case I pull the nem and put it in a tank were it won't get caught in a pump until it finds a new rock to attach to. Then I move it back and watch like a hawk for the next month!
I've have three bta's in my tank an while there is aways the possibility of them detaching once they find a spot they like they tend to stay there. Leave the powerheads off til they firmly attach when you first introduce it to your tank, if you want a little extra insurance can use the sponge but probably can take it down after a week.
For piece of mind, I wrapped my PH with the carbon filter media bag until they settled. You can get them at PetSmart for 0.98 each. My RBTA don't wander around the tank. They just move to the side of the rock that has the least, tolerable flow. Also, they seem to like a crevice to plant their foot.

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I use the foam covers for EcoTech powerheads on my Jeabo RW-8s. Once the Nem is settled for couple of weeks and not moving then remove the foam covers.
I've tried many different approaches to anemone-proofing power heads and mostly they don't work. Some failed to prevent purée, others quickly affected pump performance and still others were an aesthetic foul. Like Edison, I've invented 20 ways to not make an acceptable guard. The current one I'm using meets performance requirements but not aesthetics.