Announcement: November Club Meeting, Sat Nov 20


Old School Reefer
Lettie and I will be hosting the Nov. meeting of WTMRAC. Let's make the topic of discussion water chemistry (what else...!), this time focusing on the elimination of nitrogen and phosphates (where it comes from, what happens when it builds up, and all the many ways in which you can remove it!).

When: Saturday Nov. 20, 6 pm. Where: 3194 Lammermuir Road, Memphis TN 38128.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Jay Blundon
I might not be able to make it. I am thinking of going over to the Razorback Reef swap in AR. Or, maybe I could be back in time for the meeting and just make it an all day reef

I'll be there!

Check that:

We're +1+1

"Thee Original $pousal Unit" is planning on coming too.

Lettie, make sure Goldie is availalble to naw on a Cork! I'll bring a couple spares for her.

(Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Say no more....)


Just a reminder that we're hosting this month's meeting Saturday at 6 pm. One the menu: taco soup with salad and rolls, and then something sweet for dessert! You'll be interested to see my algal turf scrubber, something that has done more to remove nitrates and phosphates than any other addition to my tank, and it's an easy DIY project!
Jay B.
You'll be interested to see my algal turf scrubber, something that has done more to remove nitrates and phosphates than any other addition to my tank, and it's an easy DIY project!
Jay B.

I find those very interesting. I saw the one at Memfish on the display tank, and it was fascinating.
Wouldn't miss it Jay! Thanks for Hosting.

Club Business:
We also need to have our Annual meeting. Bill & I will work on the agenda, but it should include:

* - 2011 Elections
* - Annual Meeting (Date?)
* - Fiscal Year End (Change?)
* - By-Law (Updates)
* - 2011 Frag Swap Date

Plus -
Welcome to any New Members since the Frag Swap!! :wavehand:
ok so now I am really wishing I could be there...Jay ..since I am a paying member , and soon to be ex officer, I sure would love to have any hand outs emailed to me since my 8 gallon has decided to be a haven for algea these days hint...sorry (and I mean that from the heart) that I can not be there yet again...I would love to see all you guys ...arrrrgggg .....
New members

New members

I'd like to reiterate Marty's invitation for new members to come out to the monthly meetings. While there are certainly a lot of online resources (especially Reef Central) to help answer your questions about reefing, there's no substitute for the years of experience that you'll find at our meetings. And it's always interesting to see a new tank each month and learn the particular tips and tricks that each person has for raising coral and maintaining a reef tank.

Lastly, if you use a two part solution (calcium and alkalinity) to maintain your tank's water chemistry, I will be giving out free calcium and magnesium tonight... along with the easy recipe for making a DIY two part solution.
Robin and I will be there, and Marty has done a good job setting the agenda, and the election of officers will need to be made tonight,

Sorry I have not been communicating with everyone but Robin and I have been in on Captiva Island for the past 7 days and just flew in last night at 11 pm.

Internet has not been a word I could barely remember!!!! But I have to say my tanks look good upon return my son Adam did a good job of house sitting our menagerie!!
New Officers Voted In

New Officers Voted In

Much Thanks to Jay & Lettie for a wonderful evenig at their home.
Great Food!
Great Entertainment (the Birds!)
Great Meeting!

Meeting Minutes:
  • New Member's Welcomed!
  • Bill gave Treasurer's report. (We're in the Black!)
  • 2011 Frag Swap was voted on and Oct. 1st 2011 will be the Next Frag Swap
  • Spring 2011 will have a mini "œTraders" Frag Swap for local hobbyists only.
  • Lichterman Nature Center to be solicited for future meetings / Outings.
  • 2010 Holiday Party to be held on January 15th 2011

New 2011 Officers were nominated and voted in:
President Pro-tem - Jay Page ("onereef")
Vice President "“ Marty Klauss ("Mako Shark II")
Treasurer / Secretary "“ Bill Hampton ("ducklabdad")

Meeting Photo Album Link: Club Shots/WTMRAC Club Mtg 112010/

Lettie & Goldie:



Blue & Gold pendulum:


Reef Club Meeting:


Jay's 125-gallon Custom Tank, made to fit the space:


Mainly SPS:


Powder Blue Tang:



Canary Blenny:


Side Shot:

(By the way, that Clown up there ^^^ is like 5" LONG!!!)

Candy Canes galore!


Jay (Blundon) discussing water Chemistry & Algal Turf Scrubbers:



DIY Scrubber screen:


Side Shot under Actinics:

Nice pictures Marty. Thanks again to Jay B. and Lettie for hosting the meeting. The food was great, the home lovely, and the algae turf scrubber very interesting. Makes me want to try it....
Thanks very much to Jay and Lettie for hosting the meeting this month. It was great and the food you served was wonderful. Also Jay really gave us some great information on his algae scrubber and tank chemistry.

Thanks, again

Bill and Robin