Another ship stuck trying to prove lies...

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I think this statement deserved some evidence.

Which part, the leaders being hypocrites?

I give you Al Gore

And also, current outspoken hypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio:

I am of the belief that we as a people certainly can do better than we are. Take climate out of the picture, and just look at all the stories of pollution. Smog, plastics in the ocean etc. But if we are to have spokespeople flying private jets everywhere, consuming 10-20x more energy than the average person they are lecturing to consume less, how does this help?
As extinction occurs throughout time we will prevail over the other creatures no matter what. One day man will stand victoriously over the earth after defeating all other forms of life. It will only be at this moment in time when we can truly say that we've conquered the earth and will move on to the next world to harvest. I feel an empty hole inside knowing that I will never stand shoulder to shoulder with our future generations during this celebration.
Just use common sense people. I don't get why this has to be an argument every time.

Don't throw your trash out the window and try to keep the amount down.
Minimize fuel consumption (who wants to pay for gas anyway?)
Power your home efficiently
Live more off the land.

All of these things end up saving you money anyway, so I don't get the big deal.
Which part, the leaders being hypocrites?

I give you Al Gore

And also, current outspoken hypocrite Leonardo DiCaprio:

I am of the belief that we as a people certainly can do better than we are. Take climate out of the picture, and just look at all the stories of pollution. Smog, plastics in the ocean etc. But if we are to have spokespeople flying private jets everywhere, consuming 10-20x more energy than the average person they are lecturing to consume less, how does this help?
I could care less about hypocrisy because it has absolutely ZERO impact on the science.
Just use common sense people. I don't get why this has to be an argument every time.

Don't throw your trash out the window and try to keep the amount down.
Minimize fuel consumption (who wants to pay for gas anyway?)
Power your home efficiently
Live more off the land.

All of these things end up saving you money anyway, so I don't get the big deal.
That's all good stuff, but I'd also add strong government incentives and regulations.
Just use common sense people. I don't get why this has to be an argument every time.

Don't throw your trash out the window and try to keep the amount down.
Minimize fuel consumption (who wants to pay for gas anyway?)
Power your home efficiently
Live more off the land.

All of these things end up saving you money anyway, so I don't get the big deal.

I had a meeting in Eagle Pass, TX this week and talking with a person in general conversation he brought up the fact he just came back from Nuevo Laredo and said as the bus he was riding in went over a bridge he could smell a foul odor. He looked down to see a large concrete pipe full of raw sewage running towards the Rio Grande River. Yep if we would do the common sense things, it might not fix everything but would be a start.
As extinction occurs throughout time we will prevail over the other creatures no matter what. One day man will stand victoriously over the earth after defeating all other forms of life. It will only be at this moment in time when we can truly say that we've conquered the earth and will move on to the next world to harvest. I feel an empty hole inside knowing that I will never stand shoulder to shoulder with our future generations during this celebration.

I can't take this seriously. This must be a joke?
I could care less about hypocrisy because it has absolutely ZERO impact on the science.

Actually it does. Most of the science is too complex for average people to understand indepth. That being the case, if the people that decide to take stand to motivate humanity to change, but they themselves do not change, what point is there? Most people would look at Gore saying "consume less" while consuming 12-20x the energy an average household does and go "if he can do that, I can too". And thus nothing gets done. Real leaders live by example. However these people like DiCaprio and Gore came to be spokespeople of climate change through Documentaries and speeches, they hurt the cause by living as hypocrites.
America has extremely high standards when it comes to energy conservation, waste management, and environmental restoration. It may not be visible to us on a day to day basis but but if you take a trip to Delhi, Baghdad, or Seoul you would tell yourself that the earth is doomed and there is no point in caring anymore. These are just a few examples of what the majority of the world is like. I don't burn trash in my front yard so therefore there is no burnt trash in MY front yard.
Thread like this make me hate the world. Its like the politician that brought the snowball to the capital building to "disprove" global warming. Dude, your a politician not a climate scientist.

stay in your lane!
Actually it does. Most of the science is too complex for average people to understand indepth. That being the case, if the people that decide to take stand to motivate humanity to change, but they themselves do not change, what point is there? Most people would look at Gore saying "consume less" while consuming 12-20x the energy an average household does and go "if he can do that, I can too". And thus nothing gets done. Real leaders live by example. However these people like DiCaprio and Gore came to be spokespeople of climate change through Documentaries and speeches, they hurt the cause by living as hypocrites.
They can't impact the science and if they can't skirt regulation and government incentives, I see very little harm they can do. Hypocrites, sure. But who cares?
Thread like this make me hate the world. Its like the politician that brought the snowball to the capital building to "disprove" global warming. Dude, your a politician not a climate scientist.

stay in your lane!
James Inhofe. He's been in the pocket of big oil for years and is chair of the Senate environment committee. We wonder why nothing gets done.
America has extremely high standards when it comes to energy conservation, waste management, and environmental restoration. It may not be visible to us on a day to day basis but but if you take a trip to Delhi, Baghdad, or Seoul you would tell yourself that the earth is doomed and there is no point in caring anymore. These are just a few examples of what the majority of the world is like. I don't burn trash in my front yard so therefore there is no burnt trash in MY front yard.

It's always easy to look like a bright star in the dark.
Maybe you need to make a trip to Europe to see what high standards in energy conservation, waste management, and environmental protection are.
Especially in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland those things are taken quite seriously.
It's always easy to look like a bright star in the dark.
Maybe you need to make a trip to Europe to see what high standards in energy conservation, waste management, and environmental protection are.
Especially in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland those things are taken quite seriously.
That is very true, but you have to remember how Europe got there. If you go back to the mid '70s, anyone falling into a major river in Europe had to go through a chemical detox because of all the crap found in those water ways. Bottled water became main stream in Europe because there really where a lot of places where it was not a good idea to drink the ground water.

We as humans are a reactive, not a proactive, species. We literally need to be drowning in our own sh*t before we do anything.

In North America, with lower population densities and lots of wide open spaces, the solution to pollution has been dilution. Out of sight, out of mind.

The last American survey on global warming that I saw had 75% of people surveyed acknowledging that human induced climate change was real. Sadly most of that same group did not think we need to do anything about it.

What amazes me about these discussions is that anyone can believe that a multi generational conspiracy across all of the climate related sciences exists. Name me one other real conspiracy that broad and deep. Some people may be good organizers, but nobody is that good.
That's all good stuff, but I'd also add strong government incentives and regulations.

so wait a minute.

The government already takes the exorbanent amount of money it already gets, uses it to actually contribute to the problem by flying around in expensive jets and giving it to oil producing countries and your plan is to give them more?

How does that make any sense?
so wait a minute.

The government already takes the exorbanent amount of money it already gets, uses it to actually contribute to the problem by flying around in expensive jets and giving it to oil producing countries and your plan is to give them more?

How does that make any sense?
I'm not sure I follow. A regulation on say, increased fuel standards for cars, or funding research of alternative energy does none of the things you just mentioned.
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