Anthias experts: which species for my tank?

The harem is from Shaun at Aquarium City, an LFS here in the valley. The 4 in QT are from Jordan at Among the Reef. I took them right off the plane (it is nice to line in LA) and they were all eating the following day.

I wouldn't call them shy, they just know their place in the hierarchy --- the smallest fish in the tank. They are always out in the open or under a shaded ledge, never hiding. The only other anthias I have kept them with were squampinnis. They ignored each other.

I saw your ventralis from Jordan, they looked good

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How high is the flow in the tank? I've found high flow seems to stimulate them. So in QT I use a Jebao RW8 and I have it on else mode at about 1/3-1/2 power. It makes them really have to swim and when I drop food in, they really go after it in the current.

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I have right now a hydor Korallia nano in their 10 gallon QT, but was actually thinking of going to an even smaller pump.
At the store they had nearly no flow and seemed to like it. They were already looking for food and picking at things there.
For now I won't even try anything other than Tigger Pods as I will be away from Sunday to Wednesday and the pods are the only thing I can load up their tank with without crashing it.

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I have right now a hydor Korallia nano in their 10 gallon QT, but was actually thinking of going to an even smaller pump.
At the store they had nearly no flow and seemed to like it. They were already looking for food and picking at things there.
For now I won't even try anything other than Tigger Pods as I will be away from Sunday to Wednesday and the pods are the only thing I can load up their tank with without crashing it.

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I see. Frozen pods worked for me so I can't imagine live pods not working. Shaved mysis too

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I agree with the flow suggestion. Try fish eggs, cyclopeez, if you can find it and live baby brine shrimp. 3 of my 4 new ones are eating well - cyclopeez, LRF fish eggs, live baby brine and as of Wednesday, adult brine. The 4th has a swim bladder issue and looks like it wont make it.
I keep the Korallia - with less flow they bicker too much.
Live Tigger pods should be the best until they have settled in, since they won't spoil the water if not eaten. So far I haven't seen them going after them. I will try different foods once they start eating at all.

It seems the largest isn't the dominant one as the second in size is chasing her sometimes. But both of them chase the smallest.
I saw your ventralis from Jordan, they looked good

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Really? You must have been at the airport when they came in. Did you take anything from that shipment? I picked up the undescribed Cirrhilabrus wrasse as well. Nice fish.
Anthias experts: which species for my tank?

Really? You must have been at the airport when they came in. Did you take anything from that shipment? I picked up the undescribed Cirrhilabrus wrasse as well. Nice fish.


I asked Jordan about getting in ventralis anthias and the quality of the ones he's been getting, and he sent me a picture of these, and I'm assuming these are your girls. This was about a week ago

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Yes! That's them, I could recognize them anywhere!! Haha!

all 4 still alive, but 1 is barely hanging on. the other three are eating well...
I suppose yours and mine came from the same collection station.

This were my 3 this morning:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

They stayed in that corner all day.

How long does it normally take until these guys settle in and start to get more comfortable?
Anthias experts: which species for my tank?

Its important to get them eating as soon as possible. If they aren't going for the trigger pods, try some frozen
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I tried cyclopeez and it seems there was some reaction to it, but I couldn't tell if they were really eating.
After I turned the white light off they came out of that corner though.
I assume you have something for them to as well? Mine sleep in pvc pieces and are in and out of them during the day. The cyclopeez should get them eating
Yes, a few PVC pipe ends, a rock from my sump and some eggcrate with Cheatomorpha on top to provide a shaded area. My video shows the setup.
By now they are in the pipes.
I found that they start swimming around a bit when I turn the pump off.

This morning it looked like the largest one was eating some Tigger Pods that were floating by. The other ones still seem to ignore them.
I'm just preparing some cyclopees to try those again.
I also have a few adult brine shrimp I will try.

I'm going to leave tomorrow until Wednesday so they better start going for the live pods.
Somehow these guys have it all backwards. Normally all other fish I acclimated would go for the live pods like crazy before even trying the frozen. And these guys are supposed to be planktivores...

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Tried more Tigger Pods, some live adult brine shrimp, LRS fish eggs and cyclopees, but so far no feeding frenzy.
One seemed to snap something, but all still have hollow stomachs.
They are not that shy anyone, just seem not to be interested in food.

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Nice fish. I just picked up a trio of saddlebacks. Eating Cyclops and mysis an hour after coming home. I have just actincs on. Mine are supposedly a deepwater species. I noticed a very subtle feeding motions. Sometimes they make big obvious strikes at food. They also sip food with just their mouths easy to miss. Mine are being kept in low flow . Korallia 1 in a 15 gallon. Live rock ,pvc , sand a little macro. No fighting. 2 stay in the open , one is skittish. Most of the time they ride the current. They hid the first hour.
Tonight it looked like the largest was picking some pods. Though all still have pretty hollow bellies.
When there is no movement in the room they like to stand in the relative low flow right below the eggcrate (so close that grammas would be swimming upside down). As soon as I get closer they go closer to the pipes and rock, but don't really hide.

I will load up the tank with more tigger pods in the morning before I leave and then they are on their own until Wednesday. Lets see what I come back to.
Well, that could be a problem right now with the heat wave... and later in my reef tank which runs 23.8°C (75°F) at the lowest in the winter and peaks at 27°C (81°F) in the summer/fall
I really didn't plan on putting these guys with my BSJs... and even so that tank has no heater, it goes up to 27°C during the day in the summer - the BSJ don't seem to mind as long as the nights are cool.
I'm definitely violating the temperature rule. I guess I'll be a good test case for long term health in the high 70s. (77-79). My harem has been in my tank since the end of December 2015. They show no signs of discomfort, eat vigorously and have bright color. If they make it for a full year ill consider that success.

I have had others in the past that lived past a year but were lost to either a power outage or killed by a rogue wrasse.
I've found that if you mix them w/ a species that are less shy, they tend to be quicker to eat when they see that species eating, I happen to like lyretails for this, but I don't see that on your list of options