Anthis Dying


New member
So I just bought 5 Dispar anthisis from Marne Warehouse Saturday and there dropping dead in the past 24 hours I have had 3 die on me and no clue why the QT is good nothing there temp is 79, 0 on nitrate 0 on ammonia, just did a water change right before I added them. Clueless on this one no visible signs of distress just happy eating dead.
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I just put 2.5 ML of prazipro ( 10 gallon tank) in there just now looks like another one is on its way out but the last on is nice and healthy looking. there 100 bucks down the drain literally.
Dispar tend to be harder to acclimate, but they're hardy if you can get them settled in. Were they eating at the store? Also want to know how they looked.


yeah also checked alk was at 12
Anthis Dying

Ammonia poisoning. Sorry man. Retest NH3 or confirm with a second source. Maybe a bad/expired test kit.
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Ammonia poisoning. Sorry man. Retest NH3 or confirm with a second source. Maybe a bad/expired test kit.
yeah no not ammonia test kit is fine and water was checked before with my test kit 2 diffrenet sources. but marne wharhouse will check again they have 48 hour guarantee
Given the timeline NH3 poisoning fits. The classic indicator of ammonia poisoning in marine fish is their jaws lock up wide open when they die. They will also usually have red gills, which we can't see from the picture. It could be a lack of oxygen too, but I suspect ammonia. I dont think a disease or parasite would kill that quickly. They couldn't have starved in that time frame. Another unlikely possibility is some sort of toxin or an overdose of a medication, but since they were fine and eating in qt I doubt that as well. A final thought would be repercussions from cyanide collecting. But again, the fact that their mouth is like that leads me to believe it's ammonia.

I'm also assuming they were acclimated properly given that asmodyus isn't a newbie.
I had an anthias jump out of the tank and it died with the mouth locked open.

I'm not sure how much the mouth being locked open means in this case, especially if multiple test sources are saying no ammonia.
Certainly looks like ammonia to me also from here. Are there any other fish in the tank?
They do not seem to look sick and their fins are good. Ammonia is my thought no matter what your test kit reads. But as I said, I can't see them from here
Any condition that impairs a fish’s ability to utilize oxygen correctly can cause an agonal response with open mouth and flared opercula, “gill-cover”. These physical signs often accompany the post-mortem state no matter the causative agent. Environmental conditions and pathogen issues can often cause similar signs in livestock.

Furthermore, acute Amyloodinium ocellatum can most certainly be lethal in the time frame provided. The disease interferes with normal gill function which leads to an ever increased hypoxic state. Because Amyloodinium is, or at least close kin to, Dinoflagellates some speculate of a possible toxin involved as well. Coincidentally, this parasite is also very difficult to distinguish on pale-colored fish and if unchecked often results in the quick demise of an aquarium, “falling like dominos”.

Is this your issue? No clue, however, a disease shouldn’t be offhandedly dismissed.
Didn't you also recently have a bunch of Chromis die as well? 3 in one week after transferring from your QT to your DT, from what I remember... There seems to be a pattern here...
I would of thought that an introduction of that many fish at one time would cause an ammonia spike. What sizes is your qt and how much of a water change did you do?
How much did you feed?
Well I have 2 different QT's I have 10 gallon and a 20 gallon. The 10 gallon which is were my Chromis were quarantined was basically a 10 gallon established tank. Has sand and has my overflow of pulsating zena frags int it. I used that one for my QT for the Chromis which is the same water has my 120 gallon.

My 20 gallon is a newer tank couple months old and that was started from scratch and designed just for when I got my anthias. I moved the remaining 2 in my 10 gallon tank.

So I got my results from Marine Warehouse 0 on the ammonia and Nitrates and salinity was fine. They did replace the lost fish with new ones, so nice of them to have 48 hours warranty on there fish. The other 2 Anthias are doing fine now I will see what happens in the next couple of days. The other 3 I will be putting them in the 20 gallon again. But i did a 5 gallon water change on the 20 and treating the tank with prazi pro. Nothing else seems out of wack so will see how they do next couple days.

Thanks for all the input.