Anybody going to the west coast frag swap

Saw it at SG's booth. doesn't look like the original pink panther.

Thanks for the video. I wish I was able to make it.

Would you guys consider the show a success? Think they'll do it again?

To be honest only Steve Tyree is smiling. I heard that the booth cost 800$ to rent and if you look at the vendor frag tank. They probably have to sell the whole tank just to pay the rent. RR USA frag is nothing to prasie I only see5 to 10 sticks in the tank.
Thanks for the video. I wish I was able to make it.

Would you guys consider the show a success? Think they'll do it again?

That is a hard question to answer. I picked up a few reasonably priced pieces.It was a small show that was not well advertised. There was a steady stream of buyers. From a vendor stand point most still had a lot of frags when I left at 4:30 or so. A lot of prices were just more than I am willing to spend for coral frags. That does not mean that other's were not spending their cash. At $800 I suspect most vendors came out in the black. Of couse that does not mean it is necessarily worth the time and effort involved on their part. One or two didnt look like they had sold hardly anything. I could be wrong about that. I for one just refuse to pay $30-150 for a single zoe no mtter what fancy name you give it!
I picked up a few nice pieces good prices all around

Dynamite chalice

Ausi gold torches


Cali kid fun dip

Pink boobies

Hallucination, rainbow rhinos ,rainbow hornets

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To be honest only Steve Tyree is smiling. I heard that the booth cost 800$ to rent and if you look at the vendor frag tank. They probably have to sell the whole tank just to pay the rent. RR USA frag is nothing to prasie I only see5 to 10 sticks in the tank.

I'm assuming they were trying to make $1500-$3000 off those 5-10 frags.

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To be honest only Steve Tyree is smiling. I heard that the booth cost 800$ to rent and if you look at the vendor frag tank. They probably have to sell the whole tank just to pay the rent. RR USA frag is nothing to prasie I only see5 to 10 sticks in the tank.

I'd be surprised if any booth was $800, unless someone got a double booth.

I was told they were $450 to $625 depending on size and location. Like corals or equipment it's your choice to buy your spot. Or like others don't sell :)

I thought it was a decent show, I'd go again. Weird as it was kinda dark in the room, I guess to make the corals look better. Parking was easy and free.
Yea when you walked in the door the whole room was dark and blue. A little hard on the eyes. I do not run my tank that blue, so find it a bit annoying trying to imagine a coral under normal light. I hate buying something and getting it home and it looks like any old coral you can find for $5.
I have to wonder how many people keep their tank as blue as at the show?
Yea when you walked in the door the whole room was dark and blue. A little hard on the eyes. I do not run my tank that blue, so find it a bit annoying trying to imagine a coral under normal light. I hate buying something and getting it home and it looks like any old coral you can find for $5.
I have to wonder how many people keep their tank as blue as at the show?

Don't think anyone really does. Maybe sunrise and sunset, but I thought the same thing.

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