Anyone Thinking of Dumping LEDS and going back to Halides

and BTW.. I'm a tech nerd. Been in IT my entire career and am an extreme gadget lover. That's why when I got back into reefing 2 years ago the emerging LED tech is what helped lure me back in.
ca1ore.. twice as fast right now for me would probably about 2 microns a month instead of the 1 micron I'm currently seeing with my LEDs :D

I obviously don't know anything about your setup, but I'd be looking elsewhere for the cause if that's really the case.
How you feed the coral and manage nutrients and water chemistry has a much greater impact on growth than type of light if you are least hitting decent PAR. Now for shading, growth form and (somewhat) color light ime is more important - but growth = feeding.
ca1ore - the microns statement was a bit of a joke :)

hart24601 - Several months ago I noticed that my SPS frags' colors were fading. I then realized that Nitrates - 0 (salifert) Phosphates - 0 (Hanna) was probably a no bueno. I slowed my water changes, started feeding the fish more and started broadcasting reef chili every 2-3 days. The color slowly came back over the next several weeks. Growth picked up a little and the tank definitely started consuming a bit more alk and calc.

I do realize that I'm most certainly not getting the potential out of my current setup that a seasoned veteran could. I just think / hope that when I switch from LED to Radiums things will pick up more. The growth my friend is realizing under 400w Radiums with RB LED supp is truly amazing in comparison to what I see in my tank.
I think it's fair to say.. that the debate is futile.. if folks can't buy in to the fact that Sanjay Joshi's best effort with top tech LED yields less growth than consensus will not be reached :)

who made Radions "top tech" LED's???
top tier maybe..or premium price maybe.
See I'm an equal opportunity annoy-er.

I see greens and no cyan..
IF by some odd chance there is a "crucial" hole in the LED spectrum that is rarely filled.. it is Cyan...There are few "whites" that fill that hole.. Bridgelux Vero Decors come to mind..
no LED's w/ whites should add any "green"...waste of watts..
Personal opinion, and covers any LED for anything...except yard lighting and x-mas trees I suppose..Really bugs me...

Besides it is never what "others" do or do not, but what you do.. ;)
Granted guidelines are nice..
Even Sanjay admits to the unknown in regards to spectrum..

I have no problems w/ MH per se...pick what you are comfortable with..

You do realize that his "off the hand" comment of 20% less growth is close to the percent error in a "one of" test..

you say potato I say potato..
Glass half full or half empty???
I suspect many would die for his 80%...

Matter of the bar you set...and why these discussions are endless...

Unless one type of lighting cannot grow anything.. well then you might reach a consensus...but even then it would be difficult.. ;)
...and why these discussions are endless...

.... and largely pointless.

About the only 'truth' is that there are folks with successful tanks under LED, T5 and MH. Anything else is speculation or conjecture. Lots of reasons why tanks fail that have nothing to do with lighting. Heck, I used MH for far longer than most people here (certainly longer than the internet geniuses), but ultimately switched completely to LED because it works better for me. At some point the debate will become moot because MH will no longer be made for the hobby; until that time use what you prefer with the comfort that they can all be made to work.
Fair enough on all points folks. In the end I was seeking a get rich quick scheme and I found that article by Sanjay that I felt helped support my beliefs of recent. I had looked at this thread some over the past few weeks so I thought I'd post the link with my assessment of the read. I want a reef in my home that looks like ones I see posted here. If one of you could just simply post a step by step SPS reef guide for dummies it would make my life a lot simpler.
Fair enough on all points folks. In the end I was seeking a get rich quick scheme and I found that article by Sanjay that I felt helped support my beliefs of recent. I had looked at this thread some over the past few weeks so I thought I'd post the link with my assessment of the read. I want a reef in my home that looks like ones I see posted here. If one of you could just simply post a step by step SPS reef guide for dummies it would make my life a lot simpler.

Regardless of what lighting system you use, there is no quick and easy path to have a nice tank. Most of the wonderful tanks you see are a couple of years old run by people with many years of experience. Good luck.
Jim, been a long time, well long time since I have been on here. What lights are you running now and how's the tank?
I've used just about every type of lighting out there, been in the hobby a long time. I'm using LEDs now but am getting ready to break the tank down due to a move. I think when I start back up, I'm going to want to go back to halides. Not that LEDs don't work, they do, and grow corals well. I do like the fact that there's very little maintenance with LEDs and stuff too. I have had good color and growth with PCs, VHOs, T5s, halides and LEDs, it's just halides do it for me aesthetically.