Anyone with dwarf lion experiance?


New member
Getting ready to stock my 46 bowfront. I was wondering if this tank could be permanent residence for a dwarf lion? According to liveaquaria, min. tank size is 30g's, but what the hell would they know? So...Anyone keep these in similair sized tanks? Got pics? Thanks.....

I agree with VolitanLioness that a 46g should be fine. I plan on putting a fuzzy dwarf in my 40 hex. Keep in mind these guys are excellent hunters and anything that can fit in their mouth eventually will fit in their mouth. I have found them to be very sensitive to nitrates and also ph fluctuations so make sure your tank is very stable before adding one. Good luck !They are a great little fish.
If i go with a lion it will prolly be a zebra. As for tankmates, i have no idea ! Im open to suggestions though??

What kind of flow should i provide for a lion tank? I'll prolly have no corals, or if i do it'll prolly just be zoanthids, rics, something like that. I have all sizes of powerheads laying around, mj 1200's and many smaller ones too, adjustible aquaclears, a couple of emperor 400's and a fluval 304 can filter aswell. Im not so much worried about mechanicle filtration, cuz i tend too double up on live rock, example: my 38 has about 62 pounds of LR in it..but i could use one or more of my filters for flow. Any thoughts here?

Ratziel...what type of cycling you do? Im a glutton for punnishment, i ride XC.
I kept a green lionfish in my 30g. He did quite well for several months, until the tank caught ich and I had to release all the fish. He would have outgrown the tank if he'd stayed but a 46g should be fine.

On the whole it was well-behaved and hardy - even after the ich set in to the other fish he held out pretty well. I never could get it to accept frozen food, but your mileage may vary. After a couple of weeks he got very friendly and would take food (live shrimps) right from my fingers.
Angels, I like the zebra Lion also, make sure when you wean it to frozen you feed a variety of foods. Try Krill & silversides on a feeder stick to start than add in Raw Shrimp chunks from the grocery store, Octo & Squid. Soak the foods in vitamins every few days.

As for tank mates maybe look at some type of filefish like Acreichthys Tomentosus/ Bristle-Tail Filefish/ Green Filefish this fish gets about 4 inches or look at Pervagor Melanocephalus/ Red-Tailed Filefish that gets around 5 inches. File fish can be picky fish but I have kept my dwarfs with the Green File & no problems.
They are cousins to the triggers yet stay small & most are slow growers.

Put a guard on your power heads, this will avoid any accidents with your fish & the power head.
