Are T. Crocea OK on the sandbed?


New member
I was reading delbeek/sprung yesterday and noticed the statement that Crocea are rock-boarers. The Crocea I purchased from a friend recently was placed on the sandbed; yet is quite healthy. Should I follow suit and keep it upon the sandbed or will sand critters (bristleworms, etc) bother it? Or will it just be always irritated by the sand grains against his foot?

Also; for those of you keeping clams; which fish are on the don't buy list. I'm pretty familiar with what will/won't eat corals, but not so much for the clams.


The clam should be ok but I would recommend putting a piece of shell or something under it to attatch to so that it will not keep sinking into the sand if it is trying to attatch to something. Fish-wise, many times butterflies, angels, and sometimes wrasses such as the banana wrass have problems with them. Some other people should also have more info on what fish are ok and which aren't. hth
i have five croceas on the sand and 4 on the rocks but they are all ok. even the ones on the rock are attached to scallop shells so that i can move them around when ever i want. i kept them for awile just in the sand not attached to anything but they seem much happier with something to hold on to. my maximas are also attached to shells. as far as fish go i have had problems with my powder blue tang. he would nip at them maximas alot and really make them made. he has since departed into the great unknown and clams are much happier. my hippo tang has never been a problem though and i know others who have powder blues that cause no problems. that is all i know from experience though.