Congrats on the new frag my friend, make sure you give it lots of light so it doesn't turn
Super excited! I order some stuff over the weekend I will be recieveing it tommoroe
JF flame
Ora pearl berry
WWC rainbow postrata
WWC yellow caroliniana
WWC BMG millie
ooh! The survivors look really good! Its a bummer when an Acro doesn't make it![]()
That's a bummer the JF flame was DOA. That is one pretty coral. The ones you got look good though. Looking forward to following along as you restock. Glad you didn't quit, good luck!
How is the scribble angels fish with reef tanks always wanted one
Man those are some nice SPS! Shame about the JF one.Will it be replaced?
You have some beautifully colored pieces mate, sorry you lost that frag - typical that it was the one you really wanted
I like the way you put the cool colored scolly''s up on the rocks rather than on the bottom, they look really cool surrounded by acros![]()
Those are some nice looking frags.
Love that rainbow postrata!