ASM Skimmer Club!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13389138#post13389138 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
Morty: Where the heck did you find a 1" Wye?
I would have used those instead of T's on my overflows if I could have found them.

The wyes are not common (same with the 45 deg street el), but here in the Twin Cities there is a plastics supplier that stocks all manner of pvc fittings. I guess you can also order from them online. Look under "piping systems".
Whats the purpose of the

Whats the purpose of the pvc piece attached to the airline tubing comming off the Sedra pump? It looks like a pvc with two end caps attached to it.
Coralfragger and Morty,
Nice job on the bubble plate mods. I will be curious to see if it makes a difference. LMK if you guys think it is worth it to do with the recirc mod.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13390836#post13390836 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paul_PSU
Coralfragger and Morty,
Nice job on the bubble plate mods. I will be curious to see if it makes a difference. LMK if you guys think it is worth it to do with the recirc mod.

There are still a few tweaks I want to try to the plate, like plugging a few of the holes closest to the pipe. There seems to be a surge of bubbles that comes out of them more than the outer holes. I'll post in a few days when I've had time to tinker.
Flfireman1: That PVC pill shaped thing IS an air silencer as Paul_PSU guessed. Works too. These things can be sort of loud without a silencer.

OK - I've done just about every mod I can think of to this G3 and I think it still sucks and am not sure what to do at this point.

I have not done the gatevalve mod only because I don't see it as a mod that should improve performance unless I'm missing something. The only thing I see that mod doing is making it easier to adjust the water level within the skimmer. Is this correct or does it somehow improve performance? and if it does - how?

I DID NOT have a dwyer meter prior to me starting doing mods so I don't know what the G3 with a Sedra 5000 is supposed to be pulling "stock".

It actually worked OK stock. I mean it was making tea which is the primary purpose of a skimmer

The first mod I did was the recirculating mod. The main difference I saw with this mod is that bubble size got significantly smaller which is suppose to be a good thing but for some reason, I'm not convinced because although the bubbles were quite a bit smaller it did not seem to pull as much goo as it did stock. The bubbles I have now are micro bubbles. It's like a very fine mist. I also had to set the water level MUCH higher than I had it set stock. In fact, I had to set the water level at neck height whereas before the water level was about where the body and cone meet.

Next mod I did was the mesh mod. Believe it or not, I saw NO difference with this mod and it is this mod that most people say they see the biggest difference with. I'm stumped. Maybe it's because I got the micro bubbles just from doing the recirc mod?

Then I did the bubble plate mod: Once again - I don't really see any difference at all.

I've run the thing as shown in the pic a few posts back and I've also run the thing with the inlet plumbed into the cup as Morty suggested I do.

The skimmer acts and looks the same either way. The micro bubbles COMPLETELY fill the body either way. The outlet water is filled with micro bubbles as well.

I'm currently feeding the thing with a Maxi 600 (160 gph).

Here's the real kicker. Even though the entire body is completely filled with micro bubbles my dwyer meter says I'm only pulling about 12 scfh which is a real bummer.

OH - actually I did do one more mod and I can't even remember at what point I did it. I did reem out the air inlet on the venturi to as big as I possibly could but I don't have numbers for before or after so I don't know what it did for me but since I'm only pulling 12 scfh now I think something HAS to be wrong here.

As I said before - I don't even know what to do now other than throw this thing in the back of a closet and forget about it.
It's in about 10" of water.

Actually only 6.75" of air line is submerged.

It's not in a tank at all right now. It's basically just sitting in a big plastic container for testing purposes.
12 scfh = 5.7 l/m which IMO isn't too awful for a Sedra 5000... My meshmod Sicce will only do about 18-20 l/m running free in about 3" of water, and installed it's doing about 10-12 l/m. And my meshmod Sedra 9000 is doing about 11 l/m as the feed pump. IIRC it was doing about 6 l/m as a needlewheel. (I'm using the metric 0-25 l/m Dwyer meter, and it may offer more restriction than their larger meters.)

Maybe let it break in a couple days and see what happens.
hey guys, im new to this club and had a few questions. ive got a g2 on a 90 gallon tank. i bought it used so i dont know all the appropriate adjustments. i performed a mod where i placed an elbow inside the skimmer from the pump outlet so that the entire chamber is full of bubbles not just the upper half. also i performed a gate valve mod however instead of using a t fitting i used two 90 degree elbows essentially making a "u" out of the return.
my questions are: where should i have the bubble level set to? and how deep should the water level be? any input would be greatly appreciated.
Okay Ive got another question. I did the gate valve on my skimmer. Which comes in real handy since I have a narrow sump. Only problem is ever since I put in the gate valve I have had a problem with the skimmer making a gurgling sound. Anyone else have this problem. Any ideas on how to correct this?

Where the output comes out of the gate valve, instead of using a 90 and turning down use a tee instead with the long part of the tee vertical. On the top opening of the tee, put a short nipple with a cap. Drill a 1/4" hole in the top of the cap. In the bottom opening of the tee, run your return into the sump. It is best if you don't submerge the end of the return as this creates some back pressure and can make it more difficult to adjust your skimmer performance. Clear as mud?? :)
I actually did mine the same way as j-soler (didn't use a tee, used two elbows instead), and the exit pipe goes below the water surface. I have no issues with gurgling or skimmer level fluctuation. The skimmer is in its own sump chamber so the outer water level remains constant.

If flfireman1 is using a tee before his gate valve, then I would go with bigtex52's suggestion of putting a cap with a small hole in it on the open part of the tee. You could even start with a 1/8" hole, and go bigger if you need to. (The smaller the hole the less audible the gurgling is, but it needs to be big enough to let air flow freely.)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13397649#post13397649 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by j-soler
hey guys, im new to this club and had a few questions. ive got a g2 on a 90 gallon tank. i bought it used so i dont know all the appropriate adjustments. i performed a mod where i placed an elbow inside the skimmer from the pump outlet so that the entire chamber is full of bubbles not just the upper half. also i performed a gate valve mod however instead of using a t fitting i used two 90 degree elbows essentially making a "u" out of the return.
my questions are: where should i have the bubble level set to? and how deep should the water level be? any input would be greatly appreciated.

I don't have any experience with a G2 but I would guess that 8"-10" is an ok starting point for water depth. For bubble level, I always start lower (down into the cone) and let it run until there is obvious foam buildup above the bubble line. Then I adjust the line up in small increments until the foam starts going past the top of the neck every few moments, but isn't too wet. Eventually it will start to come down the outside of the neck.

Note that it's a good idea to keep the water level outside the skimmer as consistent as possible or you will have to continually fiddle with the gate valve to keep your bubble level right.
I have a new G2, just hooked it up. New to the hobby so everyting is questionable. So here goes.

I cleaned it (wiped it down) when I got it and now it is in the sump and running. Water is about 8.5" up the body of the skimmer. I put the Adjustable pipe where the say to, which is level with the middle of the black line on the cone section.

Seems to be a micro bubble factory in the tank - is this a normal start?

Also there is a god awful sucking (for lack of a better word) coming from the air intake hose - how can I make that stop?!?!?

I'm sure this is answered in here somewhere, but not in the many pages I read through.
