ASM Skimmer Club!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13350487#post13350487 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
I tried a search of "bubble plate" and didn't seem to come up with anything from this thread so I'm assuming that this has not been brought up.

With all the mods that people are doing to ASM's has anyone tried adding a bubble plate to any of the ASM's?

I currently have an extra ASM G3 that I don't need to run on any system so it is free to "play" with. I've done the recirc mod already to it but I think I would like to add a bubble plate as well.

IF anyone has done this or if anyone has seen documentation on "how to" then please post.

Even a link to a good explanation of how a bubble plate works and is plumbed in general (on any skimmer brand) would be a great help because right now I'm clueless of how it even works.

I was considering it also when I go to do the recirc mod on mine. I did have this saved when I did some research. Not as detailed as I was looking for, but better than nothing. He did not have the bubble plate perfected either, but seems to be a start.

I spoke too soon. Beananimal has one on his page, maybe he will chime in..:D
I have some PVC pipe (I think it's 6") that seems like it might be perfect for making the bubble "cup" within the skimmer.

Any guesses on how much space you would need between the cup and the skimmer body to NOT add a restriction onto the pump?

The PVC I have would make for only a 1/8" space between the cup and the skimmer body but that 1/8" would obviously be all the way around the cup.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13350833#post13350833 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
I have some PVC pipe (I think it's 6") that seems like it might be perfect for making the bubble "cup" within the skimmer.

Any guesses on how much space you would need between the cup and the skimmer body to NOT add a restriction onto the pump?

The PVC I have would make for only a 1/8" space between the cup and the skimmer body but that 1/8" would obviously be all the way around the cup.

If I understand you right then I think the diameter of the cup would be too close to the inner diameter of the skimmer, so you would get a pretty significant water flow velocity surrounding the cup towards the drain that would suck a lot of bubbles out of the skimmer. I think 4" diameter PVC would make a better cup.

I just did a ghetto bubble plate mod to my G4x, last thing I am waiting for is a new G5/6 collection cup to arrive, it's taller than the G4's and will allow me to add a little more air.

The bubble plate is basically a PVC floor drain assembly. I think it has helped kick up the skimmer's production a lot (at least the water line seems much more stable). Overall the skimmer is kind of a hybrid recirc, with the Sedra 9000 NW as a feed pump, and a Sicce meshmod as the recirc pump. I moved away from a design I posted a few months ago. I'll post pics when I have everything done.
Yea, I was just thinking about the restriction factor. Didn't even think about what kind of flow rate it would put on the area.

I think a 4" cup might be a bit on the small side though. Looking around the house I think I have found the perfect solution.


It's 5" in diameter AND made of acrylic AND already has the top (currently the bottom) glued in place. Using a 5" diameter cup would give me a 1.5" space between the cup and skimmer body all the way around it. I think that might be just about perfect.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13351348#post13351348 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
Yea, I was just thinking about the restriction factor. Didn't even think about what kind of flow rate it would put on the area.

I think a 4" cup might be a bit on the small side though. Looking around the house I think I have found the perfect solution.


It's 5" in diameter AND made of acrylic AND already has the top (currently the bottom) glued in place. Using a 5" diameter cup would give me a 1.5" space between the cup and skimmer body all the way around it. I think that might be just about perfect.

That micht work pretty well.. Do you have a means of (removably) securing it to the bottom of the skimmer?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13351348#post13351348 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
Yea, I was just thinking about the restriction factor. Didn't even think about what kind of flow rate it would put on the area.

I think a 4" cup might be a bit on the small side though. Looking around the house I think I have found the perfect solution.


It's 5" in diameter AND made of acrylic AND already has the top (currently the bottom) glued in place. Using a 5" diameter cup would give me a 1.5" space between the cup and skimmer body all the way around it. I think that might be just about perfect.
ouaoooooooo nice :D how much is that cup ? did you get it at the 99c store?
From the looks of it I think it was a "freebie" that my wife brought home from work.

Free beats .99 any day of the week :)

Hmm - removeably sticking it to the bottom of the skimmer?
Why would it need removed?

If it's just for cleaning purposes then how about this:

I glue it in place upright and cut holes in the lid for pipe inlet and all the air holes. Then the lid would be removeable. I probably wouldn't even have to silicone it in place but if I did it would still be no biggie to take apart again.
Has anybody here tried using an Aquabee 2000 or a sicce pump on a G2? A sicce is $125 which is much cheaper than a new skimmer. People in the MSX/Octo threads said it's too much air for this skimmer. But I think that's hogwash. Why? because you control how much water is in the skimmer body to begin with. Too much air? Lower the lvl whats the big deal? I'm stuck with a G2 because I don't have anymore room in my sump
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13366780#post13366780 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chevegan
Has anybody here tried using an Aquabee 2000 or a sicce pump on a G2? A sicce is $125 which is much cheaper than a new skimmer. People in the MSX/Octo threads said it's too much air for this skimmer. But I think that's hogwash. Why? because you control how much water is in the skimmer body to begin with. Too much air? Lower the lvl whats the big deal? I'm stuck with a G2 because I don't have anymore room in my sump

Don't know about Aquabee but I am running a Sicce as a recirc on a G4x and I can tell you it WOULD likely be too much for a G2. Yes you can lower the water level but it's the neck size that's the issue. The key is how fast the foam head travels up the neck. Too fast and it pops too much, and the proteins get redissolved instead of pushed out of the neck. You could probably valve down the amt of air to find a sweet spot. But if you want to try it I would advise getting a Quiet One 3000, supposedly they are almost identical internally to a Sicce 2500 but 1/4 the price. Another thing is that both these pumps (although low wattage) still run hot and will probably add heat to your system.
Just recently picked up a used G2 with the Sedra 5000 pump. I did the gate valve mod and had also read somewhere about adding an air pump to the hose? Can anyone find the link to this? Is this advisable to do? Thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13368825#post13368825 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chevegan
where would I get a pinwheel for the quiet one? with a pin weel

I don't know if they make them. I was thinking mesh mod, which I think is better than pin wheels anyway. You can maybe post a thread and ask if an MSX pin wheel (Sicce) will fit a quiet one.
Well then let me approach it this way. How much air (scfh) can a G2 do good with. Obviously the sedra 3500 doesn't do near enough.
Chevegan I would consider the sedra 5000 maybe flfireman can chime in on how the 5000 works compared to the sedra 3500 that the G2 comes with. It obviously can pull more air in which the G2 is in need of with the stock pump.
I can tell you that the meshmod to a sedra pump can boost its air/water intake big time if done correctly (sometimes double it). You might want to try this before anything else.
i hate the idea of cutting a $40 part and then having a finicky skimmer that needs to have constant attention and may or may not have start up issues. Not to mention having to remesh it every 6 months because it disintegrates.
Here is what I don't get why is it that a sicce is too much when it's stock air pull is what a sedra 5000 meshed does? it's the same price and draws less wattage. Not to mention less gph through the skimmer
You must be talking about a Sicce needle wheel. I don't know where you can get them. The only Sicces I have seen discussed up until now have mainly been the meshmod.