ASM Skimmer Club!

It makes it much easier to adjust the water level in the skimmer compared to the riser tube adjustment. It's just a twist of the knob for wet or dry skimmate.
any pictures or how toos that work out there? specificly the venturi mod and the mesh mod? i need abit more info and all the links i have found dont work.

Ah if that is it I think I might leave alone. I haven't had to adjust in 2yrs and I get a half cup of good dark skimmate every day. Thanks for the DIY info regardless to everyone.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14100870#post14100870 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Guygettnby
any pictures or how toos that work out there? specificly the venturi mod and the mesh mod? i need abit more info and all the links i have found dont work.

Here's a good link to show a mesh mod:
Venturi Mod

As far as a venturi mod, I'm not sure but some people just open the hole up a bit more with a drill bit, just be careful not to break it.
I just picked up a used G-3 in original condition. It's been running on a fully stocked 160 total tank volume reef tank for a week now. It's had the normal fluctuation and adjusting issues I've read about on here. I've looked at all the mods and the only one that interests me is a "better pump" mod.

I think the overall build of the ASM is fine. I believe the only thing lacking is the pump in it's original configuration. I just replaced a Premium Aquatics 125 with this G-3. I modded the PA 125 by removing the in line venturi and meshmodding the pump and using a sedra venturi. Those two simple mods turned a very undersized skimmer into a goo producing beast. Before the mods I did that skimmer wasn't good enough for a 55 galllon tank. I've run that skimmer successfully in a set-it and forget-it mode.

Now I have a G-3 and I'm happy having more volume but I'm not at all impressed with the performance. My PA125 uses a modded Rio 2100 that flows 692 gph per the specs vs the 500 gph from the sedra. After the mods I don't know what it flows as I don't have a meter but the goo meter says it works. I'm going to swap the pump from my PA125 and see what kind of difference it makes. While I have the sedra out I'm going to dremel some openings and see if I can't make a performer out of it.

After looking at the two pumps I can see some areas where the pump can be "freed" up.

Also, Is there, or was there a paddle wheel style impeller for this pump? If so does someone have one they wish to sell? That would be for a sedra 5000.

I'll get back to this thread with the results in a few days.
Thank you for the pic, Konadog! It's very helpful. The kit I ordered fits together just like that. It makes so much more sense now that I see what it's suppose to look like.
Keep us posted surfjeepzx on the success of your MOD and any pictures of what mods you made to your PA125 meshmodding the pump and using a sedra venturi would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
so now the only thing i need is to figure out how people are modding the seadra needle wheel punp to do the mesh mod. i see how they are doing other pumps and needle wheels, but the seadra is a diiferent design.

any pics of a modded seadra needle wheel with mesh mod done???

Try this thread. Toward the bottom of this page. The top picture of the post. My impeller on my Sedra 5000 looked exactly like that after it was done. You cut the pins off of the impeller with a utility knife or Dremmel if you have one. Drill four holes just big enough for the smallest zip tie to fit through. Cut 4 pieces of the mesh a little bigger than the disc. stack the pieces of mesh together then attach using the zip ties. To finish it off, you just cut around the edge and trim off the mesh until none is sticking over the edge. You will probably have to try it in the pump pull it back out and trim some more until you get it just right. Also I had to take the stock spacer out and put a nylon nut in its place that was a tad thinner.
is there no way to do it without destroying the needle wheel impeller? i want to try it but i dont wanna have to destroy the impeller if i can help it so if it doesnt work i can just take it off.

thanks for the link with the pictures.
ok, so now i need to find a place to actualy buy the mesh. i have talked to the actual company who makes Enkamat and they wont sell it in anyless then 500 foot anybody have clues as to were i can buy it from?

the 1 on ebay is only a 6"x6" sheet and i need more then that.
nevermind, i found a place to buy it. but you have to buy it in 39"x 5 yards....... sold thru acuatic eco sytems for $28.95 plus shipping.
I bought an extra impeller when I did mine. I know the mesh is being sold on ebay also in small pieces just for the mod. Try searching there. I think I got my impeller at Marine Depot.

Here you can buy the mesh in smaller pieces just for the mod. They even give you the zip ties:

The impellers are like $40 on MarineDepot
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14107976#post14107976 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Guygettnby

the 1 on ebay is only a 6"x6" sheet and i need more then that.

I've got tons left over after I bought 2 6"X6" sheets on Ebay
Anyone know where to get a replacement collection cup for an ASM G5? I found lots of other parts but no cups.


Pro Clear Mods

Pro Clear Mods

Here are some pics of the Skimmer I modded prior to the G-3 I just replaced it with. I called it by the wrong name in the prior post. It's a Pro Clear Aquatics Skimmer rated for 125 gal. This skimmer in it's original form wouldn't have worked effectively on a heavily stocked 55 much less a 125.

Modding this skimmer consisted of doing a few things. First I meshed the impeller. To do that I had to thin the blades of the paddlewheel style impeller. Then I used a mesh from a 3m sanding disc. It worked well for about a year before it started to come apart.


Next I removed the stock venturi which was part of the pipe between the skimmer and elbow. I cut the elbow off and installed a straight thru pipe. The pipe is 1/2" vs the old venturi pipe that had about a 1/4 hole.
Next I used a venturi from a Sedra 5000 pump for a G-3 skimmer. I had to shim it to fit the Rio. I cut the end off a caulking tube after trying a few things. Perfect fit.

This is the foam it produced when first plugged in and it ran great for about a year.

Then the mesh material broke down. I bought some gutter guard and secured it with .020 SS safety wire. I didn't take any pics but it was better than the mesh and ran the tank for another year. I just removed it for a G-3.



