Just ordered a 24V solenoid valve with 1/4" quick connects. I will tee off my RO/DI output and this will open up the connection upstairs to fill the ATO reservoir. I'll use the RO/DI pressure instead of using a seperate pump.
I decided I will be setting up my 10G QT tank with the third head on the ametek pump. Even if I'm not actively QT'ing anything, I can use it for rinse water

i figure long term it would be better for all the heads to have the same amount of wear.
I received my new ReefAngel controller for the setup. I will be setting up a 5V power supply connected to a relay downstairs which will be connected to one of the float switch ports. If this input is not "active" i will not run the RO or the AWC.
The float switch in the salt water bin is also going to be connected to the RA so when that flips the AWC will be disabled and I'll send myself an alert.
For the RO I will monitor the reservoir % from my Mac. When it gets to lets say 20% I'll have a cron job to let the other RA know to open the solenoid for an hour or so. If the % goes higher than lets say 90% I'll have the upstairs controller deactivate the control signal and send me an alarm.
The relays that will control the Ametek pump and the RO solenoid will both be powered by the same 24V power supply and each will be triggered separately by a 5V analog signal from the RA. This will give me endless scheduling flexibility and the capability to change on demand.
Now that the RA is here, I can get working on the programming. I'm still waiting on the PWM motor drive and now the solenoid. I'm waiting on zachts to figure out the connectors to go from the ametek to the cheap 1/4" tubing, but I think otherwise I have everything ready to go. Just need a trip to radioshack for some wire and connectors to make it all happen.