Perhaps someone can explain this to me...
I have three totally separate peristaltic pumps: one is tank water out, one is new salt water in, and the last is rodi in. I also have various floats hooked to a BoB to monitor sump water level. My system takes water out of the sump until the low float is tripped and then adds either new salt water or rodi water depending on the conductivity reading until my optimum float is tripped. At this point, WC done. I also have redundant high floats that will shut the pumps down in the event that it gets too full.
Anyways, my question... Why is the stenner dual head pump better if everyone is concerned with salinity drift over time or non-matching flow rates. Is it just the cost differences that cause my setup to be less desirable?
I always check conductivity with a refractometer to confirm my probe is accurate and it hasn't been off once. Aside from this possible calibration issue, I don't see the downside in my setup. I do swish it around occasionally as algae sometimes grows on it, which obviously could cause it to read incorrectly.
Just trying to understand.
My three pumps cost about the same as the duo head stenner and I don't have to worry at all about the AWC or ATO... Also, already having an apex would be one factor, but it seems most do with an AWC.